[Haskell-cafe] FRP for game programming / artifical life simulation

Luke Palmer lrpalmer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 19:39:23 EDT 2010

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Ben Christy <ben.christy at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an interest in both game programming and artificial life. I have
> recently stumbled on Haskell and would like to take a stab at programming a
> simple game using FRP such as YAMPA or Reactive but I am stuck. I am not
> certain which one I should choose. It seems that Reactive is more active but
> is it suitable for game programming. Also has anyone attempted to implement
> neural networks using FRP if so again which of these two approaches to FRP
> would you suggest?

I am in the process of writing a game using FRP.  I haven't followed
reactive in a while, but last I checked it had some rather annoying
issues, such as joinE (monad join on events) not working and an open
space leak.  So we are using a Yampa-like approach, but not
specifically Yampa.  However most of the game logic is *not* in AFRP
("arrowized" FRP) style, it is just there to give a nice foundation
and top level game loop, playing much the same role as IO does in many
Haskell programs (but it is implemented purely!).

The workhorse of our game has so far been "generalized differentials".
 While not entirely rigorous, they have provided a very nice framework
in which to express our thoughts and designs, and are very good at
"highly dynamic" situations which appear in games.  For example, with
arrows it is painful to maintain a list of moving actors such that can
be added and removed.  With differentials this is quite natural.

I haven't published the differential library yet, I am waiting until
we have used them enough to discover essential techniques and find a
nice bases for primitives.  But I will give a sketch here.  Let the
types be your guide, as I am implementing from memory without a
compiler :-P

> import qualified Data.Accessor.Basic as Acc
> import Data.VectorSpace
> import Control.Comonad

A differential is implemented as a function that takes a timestep and
returns an update function.  Don't expose the D constructor; step is
okay to expose, it's kind of a generalized "linear approximation".

> newtype D a = D { step :: Double -> a -> a }

> instance Monoid (D a) where
>     mempty = D (const id)
>     mappend da db = D (\dt -> step da dt . step db dt)

Given a differential for a component of a value, we can construct a
differential for that value.

> accessor :: Acc.T s a -> D a -> D s
> accessor acc da = D (Acc.modify acc . step da)

Given a differential for each component of a tuple, we can find the
differential for the tuple.

> product :: D a -> D b -> D (a, b)
> product da db = D (\dt (x,y) -> (step da dt x, step db dt y))

A differential can depend on the current value.

> dependent :: (a -> D a) -> D a
> dependent f = D (\dt x -> step (f x) dt x)

Vectors can be treated directly as differentials over themselves.

> vector :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ Double) => v -> D v
> vector v = D (\dt x -> x ^+^ dt *^ v)

Impulses allow non-continuous "burst" changes, such as adding/removing
an element from a list of actors. This is the only function that bugs
me.  Incorrectly using it you can determine the framerate, which is
supposed be hidden.  But if used correctly; i.e. only trigger them on
passing conditions, they can be quite handy.  But my eyes and ears are
open for alternatives.

> impulse :: (a -> a) -> D a
> impulse f = D (const f)

If we can can find the differential for an element of some comonad
given its context, we can find the differential for the whole
structure.  (Our "game world" is a comonad, that's why this is in

> comonad :: (Comonad w) => (w a -> D a) -> D (w a)
> comonad f = D (\dt -> let h w = step (f w) dt (extract w) in extend h)

I add new primitives at the drop of a hat. I would like to find a nice
combinator basis, but as yet, one hasn't jumped out at me. It might
require some tweaking of the concept.

The arrow we are using is implemented in terms of differentials:

> data Continuous a b = forall s. Continuous s (s -> a -> (b, D s))

> instance Category Continuous where
>     id = Continuous () (\() x -> (x, mempty))
>     Continuous sg0 g . Continuous sf0 f = MkC (sg0,sf0) $ \(sg,sf) x ->
>         let !(y, df) = f sf x     -- mind the strict patterns
>             !(z, dg) = g sg y in
>         (z, product dg df)

Exercise: implement the Arrow and ArrowLoop instances.

And here is where it comes together.  Integration over generalized
differentials is a continuous arrow:

> integral :: Continuous (D a) a
> integral a0 = Continuous a0 (,)

So our game loop looks something like:

> dGameState :: Input -> D GameState
> dGameState = ... -- built out of simpler Ds of its components

> mainGame = proc input -> do
>     gameState <- integral initialGameState -< dGameState input
>     returnA -< drawGameState gameState

This is my first experience with functional game programming, and so
far I love it!  It makes so much more sense than the imperative
alternative.  But the techniques are quite new and different as well,
and sometimes it takes a lot of thinking to figure out how to do
something that would be obvious for an experienced imperative game
programmer.  But I consider it a virtue: it's a chance to re-evaluate
all the nonsense we've built up over the years and pioneer the field
all over again.

I hope this helps.  If you go with a different approach, please write
about it!


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