[Haskell-cafe] couchdb - newView command

Andrew U. Frank frank22 at geoinfo.tuwien.ac.at
Sun Aug 15 16:34:50 EDT 2010

  i use haskell couchdb 0.10 with more luck than others: it works for me
  quite well. I have been careful to convert to json strings separately
  from the calls to runCouchDB - so i could check that the values were
        i sense there is a difficulty with 'newView' - it does not allow
        update a viewset, but one has to select for each change a new
        (design) name; which is sort of annoying. 
        the newView operation should ptobably be called 'newViewset',
        because it
        sets multiple views in one design document. it would be nice, if
        could not only be set, but also updated. (the full set at once)
        i would also recommend that the first parameter is of type DB
        and not
        String - or are there any particular reasons for this?
        i appreciate the package and i like it! 

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