[Haskell-cafe] A cabal odyssey

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 20 14:33:57 EDT 2010

wren ng thornton wrote:
> Andrew Coppin wrote:
>> I guess I just figured that since Cabal is used by hundreds of 
>> millions of people every single day, any little glitches I might have 
>> come across have already been seen by at least 1,000 people before me 
>> (and hence, the developers already know about it and just haven't had 
>> time to fix it yet).
> Which is why, when filing a report, you scan/search the bug tracker 
> first to make sure you're not filing a duplicate :)
> Just remember, those thousands of other people are probably thinking 
> the same thing you are. This is well a well-documented phenomenon in 
> more serious circumstances:
>     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect

Well, I just had a look, and it seems every issue I've mentioned already 
has a (very old) ticket. So apparently these are all very well-known 
issues (and presumably too hard to fix).

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