[Haskell-cafe] Re: Support for lock-free/wait-free programming?

Gregory Collins greg at gregorycollins.net
Sun Aug 29 11:37:46 EDT 2010

Gabriel Wicke <wicke at wikidev.net> writes:

> Hello Gregory,
> thanks for your patch.
> I have just uploaded bits-extras-0.1.1 [1] with tweaked CC-Options to
> only include -Wall on non-linux systems (plus minor documentation
> tweaks).
> Could you check if this compiles on OSX? I would prefer to keep -Wall
> enabled if possible.

It doesn't work because you missed the other half of my patch, removing
the reference to libgcc_s -- programs link just fine without it. With it
in there I get:

    Resolving dependencies...
    Downloading bits-extras-0.1.1...
    Configuring bits-extras-0.1.1...
    cabal: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
    * Missing C library: gcc_s

Gregory Collins <greg at gregorycollins.net>

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