[Haskell-cafe] Making type-incompatible strategies interchangeable

Jacek Generowicz jacek.generowicz at cern.ch
Sat Dec 18 02:17:30 CET 2010

# Imagine an activity which may be performed either by a computer, or
# by a human (alternatively, either locally, or remotely across a
# network). From Haskell's type system's perspective, these two will
# look completely different (most obviously, the human (or the
# network) is wrapped in IO). How can they be made interchangeable ?

# To demonstrate what I mean, I offer the following concrete toy
# example, in Python.

# It's a harness for playing the trivial higher-lower number guessing
# game, with interchangeable strategies for either player. In this
# example I provide two strategies (Computer / ask Human via IO) for
# each role (asker and guesser).

# How can this sort of interchangeability of computations which are
# conceptually identical, but incompatible from the types perspective,
# be expressed in Haskell?

from random import randint

# A simple game harness. It is given the two players, and mediates the
# interaction between them.
def game(asker, guesser):
     feedback = None
     count = 0
     while not feedback == 0:
         guess = guesser(feedback)
         feedback = asker(guess)
         print "Guess: %s, Answer: %s" % (guess, feedback)
         count += 1
     print "Got it in", count

# A couple of decorators to smoothe the use of the generators which
# are used to implement the players.
def hide_send(generator_function):
     def proxy(*args, **kwds):
         return generator_function(*args, **kwds).send
     return proxy

def advance(hidden_send_proxy):
     def proxy(*args, **kwds):
         send = hidden_send_proxy(*args, **kwds)
         return send
     return proxy

# Artificial player who knows the secret
def higher_lower_asker_C(low=0, high=100):
     secret = randint(low, high)
     guess = yield
     while True:
         guess = yield cmp(guess, secret)

# Artificial player trying to guess the secret
def higher_lower_guesser_C(low=0, high=100):
     while True:
         guess = (low + high) // 2
         feedback = yield guess
         if feedback < 0:
             low = guess
             high = guess

# Interface to human who knows the secret
def higher_lower_asker_H():
     guess = yield # No feedback before first guess
     while True:
         print "My guess is", guess
         print "Please reply with one letter: is my guess (l)ow,  
(c)orrect or (h)igh ?"
         guess = yield {'l':-1, 'c':0, 'h':1 }[raw_input()]

# Interface to human trying to guess
def higher_lower_guesser_H():
     while True:
         feedback = yield input("What is your guess? ")
         print {-1:"Too low.", 0:"Correct!", +1:"Too high."}[feedback]

# Given the above preparation, the game can now be played in all 4
# possible permutations of Computer/Human vs. Computer/Human.
game(higher_lower_asker_C(), higher_lower_guesser_C())
game(higher_lower_asker_H(), higher_lower_guesser_C())
game(higher_lower_asker_C(), higher_lower_guesser_H())
game(higher_lower_asker_H(), higher_lower_guesser_H())

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