[Haskell-cafe] music-related problem

erik flister erik.flister at gmail.com
Sun Jul 4 17:07:40 EDT 2010

ties are a presentation-level issue, the underlying (sound) representation
is a single note.  i suggest

Doc = [Note]

where Notes have fields for their measure location and duration.  then
there's no issue with overlapping notes, and start/end times are easy to
calculate.  ties can be calculated easily later for graphical layout by
asking if durations overlap given boundaries (usually measure boundaries,
but also measure centers).

i use a natural rhythm EDSL here:

here's the rhythm-related part (doesn't handle varying tempo).  it lets you
say things like:

Note {measure = 3, beat = 2, dur = Dotted $ Triplet Quarter}


{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables,
RecordWildCards, RankNTypes #-}

tempo     = 200 -- bpm
timeSig   = TimeSig { numBeats = 4
                    , unit     = Quarter

data DurBase = Whole | Half | Quarter | Eighth | Sixteenth | ThirtySecond
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show, Eq)
data ModDur = forall x. NoteDur x => Dotted x | Triplet DurBase

data TimeSig = TimeSig {
      numBeats :: Int
    , unit     :: DurBase

data Note = forall x . NoteDur x => Note {
      midiNum :: Int -- 0-255
    , vel     :: Int -- 0-255
    , chan    :: Int -- 0-15
    , measure :: Integral a => a
    , beat    :: Int
    , subdiv  :: (Real a, Fractional a) => a -- % of beat
    , dur     :: x

class NoteDur a where
    quarters :: (Real x, Fractional x) => a -> x

    calcDurMS :: (Real x, Fractional x) => a -> x
    calcDurMS d = 1000 * 60 * beats d / realToFrac tempo

    beats :: (Real x, Fractional x) => a -> x
    beats d = uncurry (/) $ both quarters (d, unit timeSig)
        where both (f :: forall a b. (NoteDur a, Real b, Fractional b) => a
-> b) (x, y) = (f x, f y)

instance NoteDur DurBase where
    quarters x = z where Just z = lookup x . zip [minBound .. maxBound] $
map (fromRational . (2 ^^)) [2, 1 ..]

instance NoteDur ModDur where
    quarters (Dotted  x) = quarters x * 3 / 2
    quarters (Triplet x) = quarters x * 2 / 3

instance NoteDur Note where
     quarters Note{..} = quarters dur

calcStartMS :: (Real a, Fractional a) => Note -> a
calcStartMS n = realToFrac (subdiv n + (fromIntegral $ (measure n * numBeats
timeSig) + beat n)) * (calcDurMS $ unit timeSig)

measureMS :: (Real a, Fractional a) => a
measureMS = calcStartMS Note { measure = 1
                             , beat    = 0
                             , subdiv  = 0
                             , midiNum = undefined
                             , vel     = undefined
                             , chan    = undefined
                             , dur     = undefined :: DurBase -- ugh

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