[Haskell-cafe] Re: Different choice operations in a continuation monad

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Sat Jun 19 07:48:02 EDT 2010

Sebastian Fischer wrote:
> Consider the given Definitions of `CMaybe r a` with
> `fromCMaybe`, `mzero`, `mplus`, `orElse`, and additionally:
>     toCMaybe :: Maybe a -> CMaybe r a
>     toCMaybe a = CMaybe (\k -> a >>= k)
>     getCMaybe :: CMaybe r a -> (a -> Maybe r) -> Maybe r
>     getCMaybe (CMaybe a) = a
> Much to my surprise, your example lead me to the following inequations:
>     a  /=  toCMaybe (fromCMaybe a)
> because for ``a = return False `mplus` return True``  we have
>                             getCMaybe a guard  =  Just ()
>     getCMaybe (toCMaybe (fromCMaybe a)) guard  =  Nothing
> Also:
>     a  /=  mzero `orElse` a
> because for the same `a` we have
>                      getCMaybe a guard  =  Just ()
>     getCMaybe (mzero `orElse` a) guard  =  Nothing
> Also:
>     a  /=  a `orElse` mzero
> because for the same `a` we have
>                      getCMaybe a guard  =  Just ()
>     getCMaybe (a `orElse` mzero) guard  =  Nothing
> Pretty unfortunate. `mzero` is neither a left nor a right identity of
> `orElse`.

The reason is that in this implementation,  orElse  evaluates  mplus
too early

    x `orElse` (return False `mplus` return True)
  = x `orElse` return False

and does not keep track of the fact that  mplus  does not decide for an
alternative until the very end.

> Is `mzero` an identity for `orElse` in your code or can we create a
> counter example like the one above? Can you add a distributive `mplus`
> to your code that would behave differently in the examples above?

In my code,  mzero  is indeed an identity for  orElse  as can be seen
from the definition of the case

   eval kk (OrElse n m :>>= k) = case (eval kk' . view) n of
      ...       -> ...
      MZeroR    -> (eval kk . view) (m >>= k)

where  n  evaluates to  MZeroR .

It shouldn't be difficult to add a distributive  mplus ; it's definitely
straightforward if we drop  callCC . The observation is any action can
be brought into one of the forms

   return a `mplus` return b `mplus` ...

which corresponds to the list type  [a] . This, in turn, can be used to
define  orElse  via pattern matching on the first argument.

   a `orElse` b = case a of { mzero -> b ; _ -> a }

With the standard type definitions, the interpreter reads

   interpret :: Program Language a -> Maybe a
   interpret = listToMaybe . eval . view

       -- evaluate to a normal form
   eval :: ProgramView Language a -> [a]
   eval (Return a   :>>= k) = [a]
   eval (MZero      :>>= k) = []
   eval (MPlus n m  :>>= k) = (eval . view) (n >>= k)
                           ++ (eval . view) (m >>= k)
   eval (OrElse n m :>>= k) = case (eval . view) n of
       [] -> (eval . view) (m >>= k)
       xs -> concatMap (eval . view . k) xs

The call pattern of this interpreter shows that you can implement your
type as

   newtype CMaybe a = CMaybe { forall b . (a -> [b]) -> [b] }

but, as I said, this type is not good way of thinking about it in my

Heinrich Apfelmus


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