[Haskell-cafe] Re: Multiple Interpretations for a monad?

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Tue Mar 2 14:43:19 EST 2010

Ryan Ingram wrote:
> To take this a step further, there is the DSL:
>  get :: m S
>  put :: S -> m ()
> and the concrete implementation
>   m = State S
> Of course, there are other monads which implement this DSL as well:
>   m = StateT S IO
>   m = Prompt StatePrompt
> with
>   data StatePrompt a where
>        Get :: StatePrompt S
>        Put :: S -> StatePrompt ()

Elaborating on that, the DSL consists of two specific functions

   get, put

and two general function

   (>>=), return

Every combination of those is a program in the DSL. Example programs:

   get >>= put
   get >>= \x -> return (x,x)
   put 1 >>= \() -> get >>= \x -> return (2*x)

This is the *syntactic* part of the DSL.

Of course, we also need *semantics*, and those are given by an
interpreter function. Examples:

   interpret :: m a -> (S -> a)
   interpret :: m a -> (S -> (a,S))
   interpret :: m a -> StateT S IO a

When the state monad is implemented as

   m a = S -> (a,S)

this function is just the identity

   interpret :: (S -> (a,S)) -> (S -> (a,S))
   interpret = id

but as the  MonadPrompt  or  operational  packages show, this does not
need to be the case; it is, in fact, beneficial to use a generic
representation for the syntax and make the  interpret  function do all
the work.

Heinrich Apfelmus


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