[Haskell-cafe] Re: nun.haskell.org http services down?

Jason Dagit dagit at codersbase.com
Thu May 6 11:55:19 EDT 2010

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:15 AM, Malcolm Wallace <
malcolm.wallace at cs.york.ac.uk> wrote:

> http://{code,community,projects}.haskell..org/ seem to be inaccessible.
>>>>> Could someone please look into it?
>>>> For me, it seems to be down everyday around 5-6pm (0700-0800 UTC) which
>>>> is prime hacking time for me.
>>>> Anyone know what's going on with the machine at that time?
>>> Well, it's hosted in the USA which is somewhere around UTC-8; as such
>>> your prime hacking time is prime sleeping time for those poor old
>>> servers!  Let the poor dears rest! ;-)
>> Unfortunately, I come from China. :-(
>> code.haskell.org is always down in my time.
> We think that the apache web server is using up the machine resources
> through some kind of memory leak.  Our temporary solution until recently has
> been to automatically kill and restart apache once a day.  We have now moved
> to restarting it every 6 hours, hoping that this will increase its
> availability.  Please keep us informed whether this is an improvement, or
> whether you still see long down periods.

The last time I noticed it was down I made the following observations:
  * I could ssh into the machine
  * top didn't show any process as using ridiculous amounts of memory
  * CPU time was very low across all processes, essentially zero
  * load avg was less than 1
  * I could telnet to port 80 and when I manually typed an HTTP GET request
there was no response
  * I tried the above request to darcs.haskell.org and it immediately served
a response
  * netstat showed lots of sockets
  * many of the sockets were from webcrawlers
  * nearly all sockets were either in SYN_RECV or CLOSE_WAIT

So, at least the other day apache was accepting connections on port 80 but
not properly servicing them.  Because the load avg was so low I doubt it was
waiting on disk IO.  The interesting thing about the HTTP request I made is
that it should have given an error code (meaning, no data needed to be
served from a web directory other than possibly Apache's config and checking
for content.)

I hope you find this info useful.

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