[Haskell-cafe] accents

Dupont Corentin corentin.dupont at gmail.com
Mon May 10 09:38:04 EDT 2010

Thank you Daniel and Ivan, with firefox i finded out that my text file
was encoded in WINDOWS-1252.

So a commande line such as:
iconv -f WINDOWS-1252 -t ISO-8859-1 liste.txt > liste2.txt
did the trick.

Alternatively, i modified my code with:

myReadFile a = do
	h <- openFile a ReadMode
	te <- mkTextEncoding "CP1252"
	hSetEncoding h te
	hGetContents h


On 5/7/10, Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer at web.de> wrote:
> On Friday 07 May 2010 17:05:08 you wrote:
>> I don't know the encoding of my file, how to deduce it?
> What happens if you open it in a text editor?
> When it looks right, can you find out from the editor what encoding it
> used?
> You could try opening the file in Firefox (or some other browser), go to
> View -> Character Encoding
> and see what it thinks it is (click Auto-Detect if you have selected some
> default encoding) if it looks right. If it looks garbled, try selecting
> different encodings to see if one looks right.
> You could send me [a part of] the file and I could try and find something
> out (play a little with iconv).

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