[Haskell-cafe] Re: "Haskell is a scripting language inspired by Python."

Lennart Augustsson lennart at augustsson.net
Thu Nov 4 18:38:57 EDT 2010

It happened at various universities around the world.  Look at the
original Haskell committee and you'll get a good idea where.

The smallest Haskell I know of is Gofer/Hugs; it originally ran on a 640k PCs.
Before that languages like SASL and KRC ran on PDP-11 with 64k memory.
None of these had a compiler that was bootstrapped, but I had a simple
functional language that compiled itself and ran in 64K.
The smallest bootstrapped Haskell compiler is NHC which (I think) runs
in a few MB.

  -- Lennart

On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Andrew Coppin
<andrewcoppin at btinternet.com> wrote:
> Where the heck did all this
> stuff happen?! Can you actually run something like Haskell with mere
> kilobytes of RAM?

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