[Haskell-cafe] Type Directed Name Resolution

Alexander Kjeldaas alexander.kjeldaas at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 18:34:21 EST 2010

In most imperative languages understanding "x.name" requires knowledge of
the type of x to understand what "name" refers to.

Now with TDNR in Haskell, "name x" requires knowledge of the type of x to
understand what "name" refers to.

As a newcomer, I think some of the coding conventions favored by
haskell-coders to be write-only, but in this case I wonder why this is
less readable in Haskell than in, say C?


On 10 November 2010 19:05, Albert Y. C. Lai <trebla at vex.net> wrote:

> Typed-directed name resolution brings Haskell closer to a write-only
> language; that is, an ambiguous phrase made total sense to the author when
> the author wrote it, but an independent reader will need extraordinary
> effort to disambiguate.
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeDirectedNameResolution #-}
> import EnglishMonad
> import Cities(buffalo)
> import Animals(buffalo)
> import Verbs(buffalo,buffalo)
> {- why two buffalo's from Verbs? because they are of different types: one
> is present verb type and the other is past participle verb type. ever heard
> of Type Directed Name Resolution? -}
> buffalo = buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
> main = runEnglishMonad buffalo
> {-
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_buffalo_Buffalo_buffalo_buffalo_buffalo_Buffalo_buffalo-}
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