[Haskell-cafe] Re: MonadCatchIO, finally and the error monad

Michael Snoyman michael at snoyman.com
Thu Oct 14 08:15:26 EDT 2010

By the way, here is how I would implement the ErrorT MonadCatchIO instance:

instance (MonadCatchIO m, Error e) => MonadCatchIO (ErrorT e m) where
  m `catch` f   = mapErrorT (\m' -> m' `catch` \e -> runErrorT $ f e) m
  block         = mapErrorT block
  unblock       = mapErrorT unblock
  bracket before after thing = block $ do
    a <- before
    unblock $ thing a `finally` after a
  bracket_ before after thing = block $ do
    _ <- before
    unblock $ thing `finally` after
  finally thing after = mapErrorT (`finally` runErrorT after) thing

By using "finally" inside of the definitions of bracket, bracket_ and
finally, we can ensure that if there is any "special" monad underneath
our ErrorT, the cleanup function will still run.


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Michael Snoyman <michael at snoyman.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> In case anyone noticed, Haskellers occassionally dies with a "Pool
> exhausted exception." I've traced this to a bug in Yesod, which in
> turn is a bug in the neither package, which I believe is a flawed
> design in the MonadCatchIO-transformers package. Here are my thoughts
> on this and what I think needs to be done to fix it.
> In Control.Exception, we define a number of different ways of dealing
> with exceptions. All of these can be expressed in terms of block,
> unblock and catch. For our purposes here, I'm going to ignore block
> and unblock: they deal with asynchronous exceptions, which is not my
> point here. Keep that in mind with the code samples. Anyway, with this
> caveat, we can define finally as:
> finally :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a
> a `finally` sequel = do
>    r <- a `catch` \e -> sequel >> throwIO (e :: SomeException)
>    _ <- sequel
>    return r
> The idea is simple: try to perform the action. If any exceptions get
> thrown, call sequel and rethrow the exception. If we ever get to line
> 4, it's because no exceptions were thrown. Therefore, we know that
> sequel has not yet been called, so we call it. Said another way: there
> are precisely two cases:
> * An exception was thrown
> * An exception was not thrown
> A downside of this finally function (and catch, for that matter) is
> that it requires all of the actions to live in the IO monad, when in
> fact we all love to let things run in complicated monad transformer
> stacks. So along comes MonadCatchIO-(transformers, mtl) and gives us a
> new magical definition of catch:
> catch :: (MonadCatchIO m, Exception e) => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
> Using this new, extended definition of catch, we can define a finally
> function with the type signature
> finally :: MonadCatchIO m => m a -> m b -> m a
> (Note that we need to replace throwIO with liftIO . throwIO.) You can
> try this with writers, readers, etc, and everything works just fine.
> You can even use an Error/Either monad transformer, throw an
> exception, and the finally function will correctly run your sequel
> function.
> However, things don't work out so well when you use a throwError.
> Let's see the code:
> {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
> import Control.Monad.Trans.Error
> import "MonadCatchIO-transformers" Control.Monad.CatchIO (finally)
> import Control.Monad.IO.Class
> main = runErrorT $ finally go $ liftIO $ putStrLn "sequel called"
> go :: ErrorT String IO String
> --go = return "return"
> --go = error "error"
> --go = throwError "throwError"
> Try running the code with each version of go uncommented. In the first
> two, "sequel called" gets printed. However, in the third, it does not.
> The reason is short-circuiting: if we remember from the definition of
> finally, there are two cases we account for. If an exception is
> called, catch addresses it. If not, we assume that the next line will
> be called. However, in the presence of short-circuiting monads like
> ErrorT, that line of code will never get called!
> I have a recommendation of how to fix this: the MonadCatchIO typeclass
> should be extended to include finally, onException and everything
> else. We can provide default definitions which will work for most
> monads, and short-circuiting monads like ErrorT (and I imagine ContT
> as well) will need to override them.
> Michael

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