[Haskell-cafe] Unified Haskell login

Conrad Parker conrad at metadecks.org
Fri Sep 17 03:13:57 EDT 2010

On 17 September 2010 15:47, Michael Snoyman <michael at snoyman.com> wrote:
> Hi cafe,
> I mentioned yesterday that I was planning on building haskellers.com.
> The first technicality I considered was how login should work. There
> are a few basic ideas:
> * Username/password on the site. But who wants to deal with *another* password?
> * OpenID. Fixes the extra password problem, but doesn't give us any
> extra information about the user (email address, etc).

Unless the site providing the OpenID is Haskell.org (for people who
identify with haskell.org as their primary community ;-), or if the
user opts to link an email address to the OpenID they use to log in
(ie. they want to authenticate with some other auth, but trust
haskell.org enough to choose to provide an email address).

On the other hand if someone wants to participate in some community
aspects (ranking, chatting, whatever) but doesn't want to provide an
email address for fear of spam, that's cool too.


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