[Haskell-cafe] Generating random graph

Steffen Schuldenzucker sschuldenzucker at uni-bonn.de
Mon Apr 11 07:36:21 CEST 2011


I don't know if that is the reason for the strange behaviour, but

On 04/11/2011 03:03 AM, Mitar wrote:
> I have made this function to generate a random graph for
> Data.Graph.Inductive library:
> generateGraph :: Int ->  IO (Gr String Double)
> generateGraph graphSize = do
>    when (graphSize<  1) $ throwIO $ AssertionFailed $ "Graph size out
> of bounds " ++ show graphSize
>    let ns = map (\n ->  (n, show n)) [1..graphSize]
>    es<- fmap concat $ forM [1..graphSize] $ \node ->  do
>      nedges<- randomRIO (0, graphSize)
>      others<- fmap (filter (node /=) . nub) $ forM [1..nedges] $ \_ ->
> randomRIO (1, graphSize)
>      gen<- getStdGen
>      let weights = randomRs (1, 10) gen

^ this use of randomRs looks wrong.

>      return $ zip3 (repeat node) others weights
>    return $ mkGraph ns es


tells me:

   randomRs :: RandomGen g => (a, a) -> g -> [a]

   Plural variant of randomR, producing an infinite list of random
   values instead of returning a new generator.

So when using randomRs, the state of the global random number generator 
is not updated, but it is used again in the next iteration of the 
toplevel forM [1..graphSize] loop. Try:

 > weights <- replicateM (length others) $ randomRIO (1, 10)


-- Steffen

> But I noticed that graph has sometimes same weights on different
> edges. This is very unlikely to happen so probably I have some error
> using random generators. Could somebody tell me where?
> Mitar
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