[Haskell-cafe] Iteratee: manyToOne

Felipe Almeida Lessa felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 17:09:43 CEST 2011

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Dmitry Olshansky
<olshanskydr at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> does somewhere exist function with type like this - manyToOne :: [Iteratee a
> m b] -> Iteratee a m [b] ?
> I.e. I need to process one input through many Iteratees indepentently in
> constant space and collect results.
> It is similar by type with sequenceM but as far as I understand sequenceM
> won't use the same input for all Iteratees.

I foresee one problem: what is the leftover of 'manyToOne xs' if each
x in xs needs different lengths of input?

One possible untested-but-compiling solution:

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import qualified Data.Enumerator as E

manyToOne :: Monad m => [E.Iteratee a m b] -> E.Iteratee a m [b]
manyToOne [] = return []
manyToOne xs = E.Iteratee $ mapM E.runIteratee xs >>= go
      go (E.Yield b s  : xs) = liftM (put b s) (go xs)
      go (E.Error exc  : _)  = return $ E.Error exc
      go (E.Continue f : xs) = return $ E.Continue $ go' (E.Continue f : xs)
      go []                  = return $ E.Yield [] (error "manyToOne:
never here")

      go' xs stream = manyToOne $ map apply xs
          apply (E.Continue f) = f stream
          apply step           = E.returnI step

      put b s (E.Yield bs _) = E.Yield (b : bs) s
      put b s (E.Error exc)  = E.Error exc
      put b s (E.Continue f) = E.Continue (liftM (b:) . f)
      -- When 'go xs' is a E.Continue, then we just put 'b' on
      -- the list and let the next round of iteratees decide
      -- what the leftover will be.



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