[Haskell-cafe] Project Euler: request for comments

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 27 17:05:50 CEST 2011

On Saturday 27 August 2011, 16:03:46, Oscar Picasso wrote:
> Daniel,
> There are included as gists on the link provided. After your remark, I
> looked at the generated html code in my blog. The gists are actually
> displayed by running a javascript.
> Maybe your browser settings don't allow to display them.

NoScript :)
I allowed oscarpicasso.com, but didn't look far enough to allow github.com.

> On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 4:47 AM, Daniel Fischer
> <daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > On Saturday 27 August 2011, 02:34:24, Oscar Picasso wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I order to improve my Haskell skills I started (again) to solve the
> >> project euler problems with this language.
> >> I am now at problem 11 and would really appreciate any comment about
> >> my code in order to make it more elegant or efficient.

In problem 11, by regarding all 4x4 subgrids separately, you recompute most 
of the horizontal and vertical products up to four times. Also you 
repeatedly use length and (!!). For a problem with such small parameters, 
it doesn't matter much, but consider a 1000x1000 grid with 100x100 
subgrids, it would really hurt then.
You could get much better performance (and no worse code) by using an array 
for the grid.

horizontalProd size grid row col 
    = product [grid!(row, col+i) | i <- [0 .. size-1]]

verticalProd size grid row col
    = product [grid!(row+i, col) | i <- [0 .. size-1]]

seProd size grid row col
    = product [grid!(row+i, col+i) | i <- [0 .. size-1]]

neProd size grid row col
    = product [grid!(row-i, col+i) | i <- [0 .. size-1]]

maxProd size grid rows cols
    = maximum $
         [horizontalProd size grid row col 
             | row <- [0 .. rows-1], col <- [0 .. cols-size]]
      ++ [verticalProd size grid row col
             | col <- [0 .. cols-1], row <- [0 .. rows-size]]
      ++ [seProd size grid row col
             | row <- [0 .. rows-size], col <- [0 .. cols-size]]
      ++ [neProd size grid row col
             | row <- [size-1 .. rows-1], col <- [0 .. cols-size]]

Another thing,

slice n = takeWhile ((n ==) . length) . map (take n) . tails

if you also import tails from Data.List.

Concerning the newly posted problem 12: Yes, it would be much faster to 
count the divisors using the prime factorisation (plus, there's another 
speedup available if you go that route).

> > 
> > I don't see any code, where would I have to look?
> > 
> >> My solutions can be found here:
> >> http://fp.opicasso.com/tag/projecteuler
> >> 
> >> Oscar Picasso

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