[Haskell-cafe] Windows: openFile gives permission deniedwhenfilein use

Donn Cave donn at avvanta.com
Thu Dec 29 19:28:46 CET 2011

Quoth Antoine Latter <aslatter at gmail.com>,
> Would this program then loop:
> append fromFilePath toFilePath = do
>   str <- readFile fromFile
>   writeFile toFile str
> if 'from' and 'to' where the same file?
> Currently the locking prevents this.

Do you mean, locking makes that work, or just makes it fail in a
different way?  Anyway, I think that's an example that would have
the same issues without hGetContents - that is, any way you set
out to overwrite a file by modifying its contents, you have the
same problem.


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