[Haskell-cafe] Tutorial/slides on pretty-printing combinators?

Jerzy Karczmarczuk jerzy.karczmarczuk at unicaen.fr
Wed Nov 16 14:31:12 CET 2011

Sean Leather:
> Do you know of any tutorial or slides from a talk on one of the 
> pretty-printing libraries?
Sean, if you need info just on Haskell solutions, other people will help 
you. There is a paper:
"Linear, bounded, functional pretty-printing" by Doaitse Swierstra and 
Olaf Chitil (and "Pretty Printer with Lazy Deques" by Olaf, a Functional 
Pearl if I am not mistaken). BTW, something has been implemented in 
Scala based on the S. and C. approach.

So don't forget about other languages, you may learn something also here:


OK, these are not slides...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

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