[Haskell-cafe] Much faster complex monad stack based on CPS state

Nicu Ionita nicu.ionita at acons.at
Wed Sep 28 22:55:07 CEST 2011

Am 28.09.2011 02:35, schrieb Ryan Ingram:
> My guess is that Cont plays really nicely with GHC's inliner, so 
> things that end up looking like
>  return x >>= \y -> ...
> get optimized really well
>     return x >>= f
>     -- inline >>=
>     = ContState $ \s0 k -> runCS (return x) s0 $ \a s1 -> runCS (f a) s1 k
>     -- inline return
>     = ContState $ \s0 k -> runCS (ContState $ \s2 k2 -> k2 x s2) s0 $ 
> \a s1 -> runCS (f a) s1 k
>     -- runCS record selector
>     = ContState $ \s0 k -> (\s2 k2 -> k2 x s2) s0 $ \a s1 -> runCS (f 
> a) s1 k
>     -- beta
>     = ContState $ \s0 k -> (\k2 -> k2 x s0) $ \a s1 -> runCS (f a) s1 k
>     -- beta
>     = ContState $ \s0 k -> (\a s1 -> runCS (f a) s1 k) x s0
>     -- beta
>     = ContState $ \s0 k -> runCS (f x) s0 k
> and then further inlining of f can take place.

I was even thinking - and this would have been the next idea to try if I 
couldn't get your example code to run so fast - to define some rules for 
the state monad (transformer) to "fuse" such expressions like

m >>= f >>= g = ...

or even

modify f >>= modify g = modify (g . f)

and perhaps other variations, so that it would perhaps end up in some 
nice combination of f and g, avoiding the intermediate tuples, hopefully 
with better performance. But then I did not follow it, and I want to 
concentrate on further improvements with the new code. The way is still 
long, because the top engines (written in C or C++) can do about 10 mil 
nps on my machine :-)


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