[Haskell-cafe] Kernel Loops in Accelerate

Clark Gaebel cgaebel at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Dec 13 14:13:26 CET 2012

Sometimes we need some divergence in kernels, such as the random number
generation example I just posted. Technically (but not practically), we
could have a thread executing forever.

It's fine to discourage writing these loops, and with the proposed
signatures there still won't be any temptation to do data-parallel work,
but they're necessary for many real-world tasks on which parallel
algorithms don't entirely map.

Once this is all said and done, however, I think I'll be writing an initial
implementation of a parallel Monte Carlo library based on accelerate. It
(accelerate) seems really promising. I especially love how I can test my
programs without an Nvidia GPU, and can switch to performance test and to
run real-world code.

  - Clark

P.S. Don't forget about do-while! =)

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 7:47 AM, Trevor L. McDonell <
tmcdonell at cse.unsw.edu.au> wrote:

> Hi Clark,
> The question of sequential loops in Accelerate has come up a few times in
> the
> past. The main sticking point is knowing how to implement them in a way
> that
> encourages efficient programs; avoiding irregular arrays (iteration
> depths),
> discouraging scalar versions of collective combinators, etc. Basically we
> need
> to avoid thread divergence where possible, else the GPU SIMD hardware
> won't be
> well utilised.
> I've experimented a little with this. If you check the generated code of
> the
> mandelbrot program [1], you'll see it has recovered the _fixed_ iteration
> depth
> into a scalar loop.
> I'll hack up something like a while loop for value iteration and see what
> happens. Tentative proposal (perhaps just the second):
>   iterate :: Exp Int            -- fixed iteration count (maybe just a
> regular Int)
>           -> (Exp a -> Exp a)   -- function to repeatedly apply
>           -> Exp a              -- initial (seed) value
>           -> Exp a
>   while   :: (Exp a -> Exp Bool)
>           -> (Exp a -> Exp a)
>           -> Exp a
>           -> Exp a
> It would be good if we could collect some additional concrete applications
> and
> see if there are better ways to map certain classes of sequential
> iteration to
> efficient GPU code.
> Additional thoughts/comments welcome!
> Cheers,
> -Trev
> [1]:
> https://github.com/AccelerateHS/accelerate-examples/tree/master/examples/mandelbrot
> On 12/12/2012, at 4:34 PM, Clark Gaebel <cgaebel at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> Hi Trevor (and cafe),
> I've been playing more and more with accelerate, and I find it quite
> annoying that there are no loops. It makes implementing many algorithms
> much harder than it should be.
> For example, I would love to submit a patch to fix issue #52 [0] on github
> by implementing MWC64X [1], but it's very hard to port the OpenCL code on
> that page when it's impossible to write kernel expressions with loops.
> Also, that means there are no high-level combinators I'm used to for my
> sequential code (such as map and fold) that would work on an accelerate
> CUDA kernel.
> As a nice strawman example, how would one implement the following kernel
> in accelerate, assuming 'rand_next', 'rand_get', and 'rand_skip' can all be
> implemented cheaply? :
> typedef uint64_t rand_state;
> __device__ rand_state rand_next(rand_state s);
> __device__ uint32_t rand_get(rand_state s);
> __device__ rand_state rand_skip(rand_state s, uint64_t distance);
> __device__ uint32_t round_to_next_pow2(uint32_t n);
> // Fills an array with random numbers given a random seed,
> // a maximum random number to generate, and an output
> // array to put the result in. The output will be in the range
> // [0, rand_max).
> __kernel__ void fill_random(rand_state start_state, uint32_t rand_max,
> uint32_t* out) {
>     rand_state current_state = start_state;
>     int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
>     // assumes we skip less than 1 million times per element...
>     current_state = rand_skip(current_state, i*1e6);
>     uint32_t mask = round_to_next_pow2(rand_max) - 1;
>     uint32_t result;
>     do {
>         result = rand_get(current_state);
>         current_state = rand_next(current_state);
>     } while(result & mask >= rand_max);
>     out[i] = result;
> } // note: code was neither debugged, run, nor compiled.
> Thanks,
>   - Clark
> [0] https://github.com/AccelerateHS/accelerate/issues/52
> [1] http://cas.ee.ic.ac.uk/people/dt10/research/rngs-gpu-mwc64x.html
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