[Haskell-cafe] edge: compile testing

Clark Gaebel cgaebel at uwaterloo.ca
Sat Dec 15 05:05:58 CET 2012

The OpenAL bindings aren't building for me on GHC 7.6:

    Unacceptable argument type in foreign declaration: ALCdevice
    When checking declaration:
      foreign import ccall unsafe "static alcGetString" alcGetString
        :: ALCdevice -> ALCenum -> IO (Ptr ALCchar)

    Unacceptable argument type in foreign declaration: ALCdevice
    When checking declaration:
      foreign import ccall unsafe "static alcGetIntegerv" alcGetIntegerv
        :: ALCdevice -> ALCenum -> ALCsizei -> Ptr ALCint -> IO ()

    Unacceptable argument type in foreign declaration: ALCdevice
    When checking declaration:
      foreign import ccall unsafe "static alcIsExtensionPresent"
        :: ALCdevice -> Ptr ALCchar -> IO ALCboolean
Failed to install OpenAL-

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Christopher Howard <
christopher.howard at frigidcode.com> wrote:

> Hey guys, to teach myself Haskell I wrote a little arcade game called
> The Edge, built on gloss. It is in hackage under the package name
> "edge". Are there a few kind souls who would be willing to compile it on
> their machines and let me know if there are any problems at the
> compiling level? In the past, I've had issues with Haskell code
> compiling fine on my development system but not on others (due to
> dependency-related issues). I want to double check this before I try to
> make any distro-specific packages.
> I developed with GHC 7.4 and cabal-install on a Gentoo system.
> Requires OpenGL and OpenAL (for sound).
> cabal update && cabal install edge
> --
> frigidcode.com
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