[Haskell-cafe] Documentation operator

Clark Gaebel cgaebel at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Dec 27 22:40:35 CET 2012

I love the idea, but it seems like it's a bit too early in Haskell's life
to implement it. Not everyone's on GHC 7.6.1+.

  - Clark

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Iavor Diatchki <iavor.diatchki at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I think that this is a neat idea that should be explored more!   GHC's
> parser has a bunch of awkward duplication to handle attaching documentation
> to types, and it'd be cool if we could replace it with an actual language
> construct.
> Happy holidays!
> -Iavor
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 3:27 AM, Christopher Done <chrisdone at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello chums,
>> I've been playing around with an idea, something that has obvious pros
>> and cons, but I'll sell it to you because there might be some positive
>> ideas out of it. Consider the following operator:
>>     {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
>>     module Docs where
>>     import GHC.TypeLits
>>     type a ? (sym :: Symbol) = a
>> First I'll describe how I'd want to use this and then what I think
>> are the advantages and disadvantages.
>> I call this (?) operator “the documentation operator”, to be used for:
>> * Things that either don't belong or can't be encoded in the type
>>   system, or for things need to be in English.
>> * Things that cannot be encoded in Haddock.
>> The simple case of ye olde days:
>>     -- | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Suspendisse lacinia nibh et
>>     --   leo. Aenean auctor aliquam dapibus.
>>     loremIpsum :: Int -> Int -> String
>> Which has since been somewhat evolved into:
>>     loremIpsum :: Int    -- ^ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
>>                -> Int    -- ^ Suspendisse lacinia nibh et leo.
>>                -> String -- ^ Aenean auctor aliquam dapibus.
>> But could now be written:
>>     loremIpsum :: Int    ? "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
>>                -> Int    ? "Suspendisse lacinia nibh et leo."
>>                -> String ? "Aenean auctor aliquam dapibus."
>> Here is a contrived case I'll use later on:
>>     data Person = Person
>>     describeAge :: Int ? "an age" -> String ? "description of their
>> elderliness"
>>     describeAge n = undefined
>>     personAge :: Person ? "a person" -> Int ? "their age"
>>     personAge = undefined
>> One could also encode previously informal specifications more formally,
>> so that
>>     -- | The action 'hFlush' @hdl@ causes any items buffered for output
>>     -- in handle @hdl@ to be sent immediately to the operating system.
>>     --
>>     -- This operation may fail with:
>>     --
>>     --  * 'isFullError' if the device is full;
>>     --
>>     --  * 'isPermissionError' if a system resource limit would be
>> exceeded.
>>     --    It is unspecified whether the characters in the buffer are
>> discarded
>>     --    or retained under these circumstances.
>>     hFlush :: Handle -> IO ()
>>     hFlush handle = wantWritableHandle "hFlush" handle flushWriteBuffer
>> with
>> type Throws ex (docs :: Symbol) = docs
>> could now be written
>>     hFlush :: Handle ? "flush buffered items for output on this handle"
>> -> IO ()
>>       ? Throws IsFullError "if the device is full"
>>       ? Throws IsPermissionError
>>                "if a system resource limit would be exceeded. It is \
>>                \unspecified whether the characters in the  buffer are \
>>                \discarded or retained under these circumstances."
>>     hFlush handle = wantWritableHandle "hFlush" handle flushWriteBuffer
>> With this in place, in GHCi you get documentation "lookup" for free:
>>     > :t hFlush
>>     hFlush
>>       :: (Handle ? "flush buffered items for output on this handle")
>>          -> (IO () ? Throws IsFullError "if the device is full")
>>             ? Throws
>>                 IsPermissionError
>>                 "if a system resource limit would be exceeded. It is
>> unspecified
>>                  whether the characters in the  buffer are discarded or
>> retained
>>                  under these circumstances."
>> And you get function composition, or “documentation composition” for free:
>>     > :t describeAge . personAge
>>     describeAge . personAge
>>       :: (Person ? "a person")
>>          -> String ? "description of their elderliness"
>> We could have a :td command to print it with docs, and otherwise docs
>> could be stripped out trivially by removing the ? annotations:
>>     > :t describeAge . personAge
>>     describeAge . personAge
>>       :: Person -> String
>>     > :td describeAge . personAge
>>     describeAge . personAge
>>       :: (Person ? "a person")
>>          -> String ? "description of their elderliness"
>> You could even add clever printing of such “documentation types”:
>>     > :t hFlush
>>     hFlush
>>       :: Handle — flush buffered items for output on this handle
>>       -> IO ()
>>     Throws IsFullError if the device is full"
>>     Throws IsPermissionError if a system resource limit would be
>>       exceeded. It is unspecified whether the characters in the buffer
>>       are discarded or retained under these circumstances."
>> Unfortunately it doesn't work with monadic composition, of course.
>> So here are the advantages:
>> * You get parsing for free (and anyone using haskell-src-exts).
>> * You get checking for free (i.e. GHC can check that IsFullError exists
>>   for you).
>> * You get a continuity of documentation through your operations
>>   including composition.
>> * You can extend the "documentation language" easily by just defining
>>   some types (like the Throws I used above). SeeMore, Author,
>>   Deprecated, etc. Whatever.
>> * You can print out some helpful looking documentation in GHCi based on
>>   these simple types.
>> * There's no longer this informal "it might throw this exception" kind
>>   of pros we're forced to write.
>> * It could also be used for annotations other than pure documentation,
>>   including testing. E.g. add a Testable "property" and then your test
>>   framework can search for functions with this Testable annotation.
>> * Free of Haddock's syntax.
>>  Here are the disadvantages:
>> * It doesn't work for types.
>> * Writing big pros inside a string can be boring without a decent
>>   editor.
>> * The neat composition trick only goes so far.
>> * There might be a compilation overhead.
>> * It would require an updated GHCi to strip them out when not wanted.
>> * Requires GHC 7.6.1+.
>> Conclusions:
>> What we have now for documentation is pretty good, especially generated
>> documentation. Compared to other languages Haskell is quite well
>> documented, I feel. But we can do more with it. In some languages,
>> documentation is built into the language. You can ask for documentation
>> inside the REPL, it belongs to that piece of code. It shouldn't, I don't
>> think, be left as a code comment which is essentially whitespace as far
>> as the compiler is concerned.
>> Two sweet ideas that I like from the above are:
>> * The checking by GHC.
>> * The extension of the "documentation language", with the ability to
>>   formalize things like what exceptions are thrown.
>> * Composing functions generates "new" documentation that still makes
>>   sense.
>> Thoughts?
>>  Ciao!
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