[Haskell-cafe] Installing glib

Victor Miller victorsmiller at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 03:49:55 CET 2012

I have the Haskell Platform (version 7.0.4 of ghc) installed on my macbook
(OS X 10.7 Lion) and I'd like to install glib.  However, when I try cabal
install glib, I get:

cabal install glib
Resolving dependencies...
[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper     (
/tmp/glib-0.12.25777/glib-0.12.2/dist/setup/SetupWrapper.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main             (
/tmp/glib-0.12.25777/glib-0.12.2/dist/setup/Main.o )
Linking /tmp/glib-0.12.25777/glib-0.12.2/dist/setup/setup ...
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ffi_call_unix64: does not
use RBP or RSP based frame
[1 of 2] Compiling Gtk2HsSetup      ( Gtk2HsSetup.hs,
dist/setup-wrapper/Gtk2HsSetup.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( SetupMain.hs,
dist/setup-wrapper/Main.o )
Linking dist/setup-wrapper/setup ...
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ffi_call_unix64: does not
use RBP or RSP based frame
Cannot find gtk2hsC2hs
Please install `gtk2hs-buildtools` first and check that the install
directory is in your PATH (e.g. HOME/.cabal/bin).
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
glib-0.12.2 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1


I've tried cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools, and appears to complete (it
does have two compilation warnings), but that doesn't help.  Any

Victor Miller

Here's the result cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools:

bash-3.2$ sudo cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring gtk2hs-buildtools-0.12.1...
Preprocessing executables for gtk2hs-buildtools-0.12.1...
Building gtk2hs-buildtools-0.12.1...
[1 of 2] Compiling Paths_gtk2hs_buildtools (
dist/build/gtk2hsTypeGen/gtk2hsTypeGen-tmp/Paths_gtk2hs_buildtools.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( hierarchyGen/TypeGen.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsTypeGen/gtk2hsTypeGen-tmp/Main.o )
Linking dist/build/gtk2hsTypeGen/gtk2hsTypeGen ...
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ffi_call_unix64: does not
use RBP or RSP based frame
[1 of 2] Compiling Paths_gtk2hs_buildtools (
[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsHookGenerator/gtk2hsHookGenerator-tmp/Main.o )
Linking dist/build/gtk2hsHookGenerator/gtk2hsHookGenerator ...
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ffi_call_unix64: does not
use RBP or RSP based frame
[ 1 of 41] Compiling DLists           ( c2hs/base/general/DLists.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/DLists.o )

    Warning: -fglasgow-exts is deprecated: Use individual extensions instead
[ 2 of 41] Compiling BaseVersion      ( c2hs/base/admin/BaseVersion.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/BaseVersion.o )
[ 3 of 41] Compiling Switches         ( c2hs/state/Switches.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Switches.o )
[ 4 of 41] Compiling Map              ( c2hs/base/general/Map.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Map.o )
[ 5 of 41] Compiling FastMutInt       ( c2hs/base/general/FastMutInt.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/FastMutInt.o )
[ 6 of 41] Compiling Config           ( c2hs/base/admin/Config.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Config.o )
[ 7 of 41] Compiling C2HSConfig       ( c2hs/toplevel/C2HSConfig.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/C2HSConfig.o )
[ 8 of 41] Compiling CInfo            ( c2hs/gen/CInfo.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CInfo.o )
[ 9 of 41] Compiling Version          ( c2hs/toplevel/Version.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Version.o )
[10 of 41] Compiling Binary           ( c2hs/base/general/Binary.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Binary.o )
[11 of 41] Compiling Position         ( c2hs/base/general/Position.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Position.o )
[12 of 41] Compiling UNames           ( c2hs/base/general/UNames.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/UNames.o )
[13 of 41] Compiling Errors           ( c2hs/base/errors/Errors.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Errors.o )
[14 of 41] Compiling Attributes       ( c2hs/base/syms/Attributes.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Attributes.o )
[15 of 41] Compiling Idents           ( c2hs/base/syms/Idents.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Idents.o )
[16 of 41] Compiling CTokens          ( c2hs/c/CTokens.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CTokens.o )
[17 of 41] Compiling CAST             ( c2hs/c/CAST.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CAST.o )
[18 of 41] Compiling CPretty          ( c2hs/c/CPretty.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CPretty.o )
[19 of 41] Compiling Lexers           ( c2hs/base/syntax/Lexers.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Lexers.o )
[20 of 41] Compiling StateTrans       ( c2hs/base/state/StateTrans.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/StateTrans.o )
[21 of 41] Compiling StateBase        ( c2hs/base/state/StateBase.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/StateBase.o )
[22 of 41] Compiling NameSpaces       ( c2hs/base/syms/NameSpaces.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/NameSpaces.o )
[23 of 41] Compiling CAttrs           ( c2hs/c/CAttrs.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CAttrs.o )
[24 of 41] Compiling CBuiltin         ( c2hs/c/CBuiltin.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CBuiltin.o )
[25 of 41] Compiling CParserMonad     ( c2hs/c/CParserMonad.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CParserMonad.o )
[26 of 41] Compiling CLexer           (
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CLexer.o )

    Warning: Bindings containing unlifted types should use an outermost
bang pattern:
               base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
    In the expression:
        base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
        (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
        offset = (base +# ord_c)
        case new_s of {
          -1# -> (new_acc, input)
          _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                 user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc }
    In a case alternative:
        Just (c, new_input)
          -> let
               base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
               (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
               case new_s of {
                 -1# -> (new_acc, input)
                 _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                        user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc
    In the second argument of `seq', namely
      `case alexGetChar input of {
         Nothing -> (new_acc, input)
         Just (c, new_input)
           -> let
                base = ...
                case new_s of {
                  -1# -> ...
                  _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                         user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s
new_acc } }'

    Warning: Bindings containing unlifted types should use an outermost
bang pattern:
               (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
    In the expression:
        base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
        (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
        offset = (base +# ord_c)
        case new_s of {
          -1# -> (new_acc, input)
          _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                 user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc }
    In a case alternative:
        Just (c, new_input)
          -> let
               base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
               (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
               case new_s of {
                 -1# -> (new_acc, input)
                 _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                        user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc
    In the second argument of `seq', namely
      `case alexGetChar input of {
         Nothing -> (new_acc, input)
         Just (c, new_input)
           -> let
                base = ...
                case new_s of {
                  -1# -> ...
                  _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                         user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s
new_acc } }'

    Warning: Bindings containing unlifted types should use an outermost
bang pattern:
               offset = (base +# ord_c)
    In the expression:
        base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
        (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
        offset = (base +# ord_c)
        case new_s of {
          -1# -> (new_acc, input)
          _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                 user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc }
    In a case alternative:
        Just (c, new_input)
          -> let
               base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
               (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
               case new_s of {
                 -1# -> (new_acc, input)
                 _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                        user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc
    In the second argument of `seq', namely
      `case alexGetChar input of {
         Nothing -> (new_acc, input)
         Just (c, new_input)
           -> let
                base = ...
                case new_s of {
                  -1# -> ...
                  _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                         user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s
new_acc } }'

    Warning: Bindings containing unlifted types should use an outermost
bang pattern:
               check = alexIndexInt16OffAddr alex_check offset
    In the expression:
        base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
        (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
        offset = (base +# ord_c)
        case new_s of {
          -1# -> (new_acc, input)
          _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                 user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc }
    In a case alternative:
        Just (c, new_input)
          -> let
               base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
               (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
               case new_s of {
                 -1# -> (new_acc, input)
                 _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                        user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc
    In the second argument of `seq', namely
      `case alexGetChar input of {
         Nothing -> (new_acc, input)
         Just (c, new_input)
           -> let
                base = ...
                case new_s of {
                  -1# -> ...
                  _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                         user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s
new_acc } }'

    Warning: Bindings containing unlifted types should use an outermost
bang pattern:
                 = if (offset >=# 0#) && (check ==# ord_c) then
                       alexIndexInt16OffAddr alex_table offset
                       alexIndexInt16OffAddr alex_deflt s
    In the expression:
        base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
        (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
        offset = (base +# ord_c)
        case new_s of {
          -1# -> (new_acc, input)
          _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                 user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc }
    In a case alternative:
        Just (c, new_input)
          -> let
               base = alexIndexInt32OffAddr alex_base s
               (I# (ord_c)) = ord c
               case new_s of {
                 -1# -> (new_acc, input)
                 _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                        user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s new_acc
    In the second argument of `seq', namely
      `case alexGetChar input of {
         Nothing -> (new_acc, input)
         Just (c, new_input)
           -> let
                base = ...
                case new_s of {
                  -1# -> ...
                  _ -> alex_scan_tkn
                         user orig_input (len +# 1#) new_input new_s
new_acc } }'
[27 of 41] Compiling FNameOps         ( c2hs/base/general/FNameOps.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/FNameOps.o )
[28 of 41] Compiling FileOps          ( c2hs/base/general/FileOps.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/FileOps.o )
[29 of 41] Compiling CIO              ( c2hs/base/state/CIO.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CIO.o )
[30 of 41] Compiling State            ( c2hs/base/state/State.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/State.o )
[31 of 41] Compiling C2HSState        ( c2hs/state/C2HSState.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/C2HSState.o )
[32 of 41] Compiling CHSLexer         ( c2hs/chs/CHSLexer.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CHSLexer.o )
[33 of 41] Compiling CHS              ( c2hs/chs/CHS.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CHS.o )
[34 of 41] Compiling GenHeader        ( c2hs/gen/GenHeader.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/GenHeader.o )
[35 of 41] Compiling CTrav            ( c2hs/c/CTrav.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CTrav.o )
[36 of 41] Compiling CNames           ( c2hs/c/CNames.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CNames.o )
[37 of 41] Compiling CParser          (
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/CParser.o )
[38 of 41] Compiling C                ( c2hs/c/C.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/C.o )
[39 of 41] Compiling GBMonad          ( c2hs/gen/GBMonad.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/GBMonad.o )
[40 of 41] Compiling GenBind          ( c2hs/gen/GenBind.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/GenBind.o )
[41 of 41] Compiling Main             ( c2hs/toplevel/Main.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/Main.o )
Linking dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs ...
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _ffi_call_unix64: does not
use RBP or RSP based frame
Warning: No documentation was generated as this package does not contain a
library. Perhaps you want to use the --executables flag.
Installing executable(s) in
Updating documentation index
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