[Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

Peter Simons simons at cryp.to
Sun Jun 17 13:34:29 CEST 2012

Hi Chris,

 >> How much time, approximately, did you spend working with Nix?
 >> 1 hour? 10 hours? 10 days? 10 months?
 > You know that it is not 10 months.

actually, no. I don't know that, which is why I asked. I find it hard to
get an answer from you, though. It seems strange that you keep such
trivial information to yourself like some super personal secret. The
point of this discussion is to compare the respective properties of Nix
and Hub. In that context, it seems natural that I might be curious how
much actual working experience you have with Nix.

 > JustHub [and Nix] have some similarities -- mostly around the idea of
 > allowing multiple tool chains to co-exist; the way they go about it
 > is very different.

I'm not sure what differences you are referring to. Could you please be
a little bit more specific? How exactly do Nix and Hub differ in the way
they install multiple tool-chains?

 > I also know that I have been adding things that a generic package
 > manager is most unlikely to be covering [...].

What you mean is: you really don't know, but you are speculating.

 > To take just one example, I provide a mechanism that allows
 > developers to archive the configuration of their Haskell development
 > environment and check it into a source management system. The
 > developer can check it out on a another system and if the build
 > process invokes the recovery mechanism it will automatically rebuild
 > the environment on the first run [...].

Yes, is Nix we solve that problem as follows. Configurations are lazily
evaluated functions. The function that builds Hub, for example, looks
like this:

 | { cabal, fgl, filepath, hexpat, regexCompat, utf8String }:
 | cabal.mkDerivation (self: {
 |   pname = "hub";
 |   version = "1.1.0";
 |   sha256 = "0vwn1v32l1pm38qqms9ydjl650ryic37xbl35md7k6v8vim2q8k3";
 |   isLibrary = false;
 |   isExecutable = true;
 |   buildDepends = [ fgl filepath hexpat regexCompat utf8String ];
 |   meta = {
 |     homepage = "https://justhub.org";
 |     description = "For multiplexing GHC installations and providing development sandboxes";
 |     license = self.stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
 |     platforms = self.ghc.meta.platforms;
 |   };
 | })

When Nix runs that build, it's executed in a temporary environment that
contains exactly those package that have been declared as build inputs,
but nothing else. Since all built-time dependencies of this package are
arguments of the function, it's possible to instantiate that build with
any version of GHC, Cabal, fgl, filepath, etc. If I pass GHC 6.12.3, Hub
will be built with GHC 6.12.3. If I pass GHC 7.4.2, Hub will be built
with GHC 7.4.2 instead.

Now, in my home directory there is a file ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix that
works like the 'main' function in a Haskell program insofar as that it
ties all those individual functions together into an user configuration:

 | let
 |   haskellEnv = pkgs: pkgs.ghcWithPackages (self: with pkgs; [
 |     # Haskell Platform
 |     haskellPlatform
 |     # other packages
 |     cmdlib dimensional funcmp hackageDb hledger hledgerLib hlint hoogle
 |     HStringTemplate monadPar pandoc smallcheck tar uulib permutation
 |     criterion graphviz async
 |   ]);
 | in
 | {
 |   packageOverrides = pkgs:
 |   {
 |     ghc704Env = haskellEnv pkgs.haskellPackages_ghc704;
 |     ghc741Env = haskellEnv pkgs.haskellPackages_ghc741;
 |     ghc742Env = haskellEnv pkgs.haskellPackages_ghc742;
 |   };
 | }

I can copy that file to every other machine, regardless of whether it's
a Linux host, a Mac, or a BSD Unix, and run

  nix-env -iA ghc704Env

to have Nix build my GHC 7.0.4 development environment with exactly
those extra libraries that I configured.

How would I do something like that in Hub?

 > Maybe Nix provides such a mechanism -- I don't know.

It does. :-)

Take care,

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