[Haskell-cafe] need help with monad transformers

Alexander V Vershilov alexander.vershilov at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 11:37:30 CET 2012


I'm trying to add monad stack into network-conduit, and everything
works except some details [1]. 

I've run runReaderT $ runTCPServer (wrapper around runResourceT) and
inside conduit I want to run writer to gather results of inner computation.
In inner computation I want to use IO, data from outter stack (ReaderT) 
so I'm running {-1-}:

  (k,t) <- lift $ runWriterT $ ask >>= \x -> tell [x]     {- 1 -}

and {-2-}

  (k,t) <- lift $ runWriterT $ do {- 2 -}
                    x <- ask
                    liftIO $ print $x+1
                    tell [x]

and that will work (except I've thought I should not lift runWriterT, but
calling functions inside.

And finally in computation that will run once I want to register cleaning 
function (for example register $ putStrLn "cleaned") ({-3-})

  (k,t) <- lift $ runWriterT $ do {- 3 -}
                    x <- ask
                    liftIO $ print $x+1
                    register $ print "freed2"
                    tell [x]

but I've got type error. If I'm running register outside runWriterT everything
will work.

I would apperated if there will be any suggestions how to make this code
better or use register in internal computation (runWriterT)

[1] https://gist.github.com/1941151
Best regards,
  Alexander V Vershilov
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