[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 247

Daniel Santa Cruz dstcruz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 03:19:08 CEST 2012

Welcome to issue 247 of the HWN, an issue covering crowd-sourced bits
of information about Haskell from around the web. This issue covers the
week of September 30 to October 6, 2012.

Quotes of the Week

   * monochrom: 98% of people lack the property that they're members of
     the other 2%

   * ManuelChakravarty: We used to say, "Learn Haskell, it makes you a
     better Java programmer." Now we say, "Learn Agda, it makes you a
     better Haskell programmer."

   * Cale: data Nature a = Rock a | Stream (Nature a) | Bush (Nature a)
     (Nature a)

   * rwbarton: type inference is supposed to be the compiler's job, not
     the reader's job

   * ShelSilverstein: Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Jane. She wants a
     drink of water so she waits and waits and waits and waits and waits
     for it to rain.

   * Cale: We're up to 950 users which apparently means that any
     beginner question is now answered by 4 people.

   * YayMe: When I first started playing with haskell I could barely
     sleep for 2 days because of how confused it made me

   * EvanLaforge: Then we can tell them about how we had to walk in the
     snow both ways uphill fighting space leaks with bare hands while
     they just have to read about it.

   * nand: every time I try arguing semantics, I come to the conclusion
     that every word is the exact same thing and refers to anything

   * bfig: i have been reborn as a haskell programer after finding

Top Reddit Stories

   * Factorization diagrams
     Domain: mathlesstraveled.com, Score: 82, Comments: 11
     On Reddit: [1] http://goo.gl/Jrk0M
     Original: [2] http://goo.gl/kXkiV

   * The New Cloud Haskell
     Domain: well-typed.com, Score: 73, Comments: 21
     On Reddit: [3] http://goo.gl/hcRJJ
     Original: [4] http://goo.gl/0oWfj

   * GHC HEAD now features Agda-like Holes
     Domain: hpaste.org, Score: 66, Comments: 43
     On Reddit: [5] http://goo.gl/J8bIu
     Original: [6] http://goo.gl/297jv

   * FizzBuzz Revisited using Monoids
     Domain: dave.fayr.am, Score: 55, Comments: 68
     On Reddit: [7] http://goo.gl/nqIsE
     Original: [8] http://goo.gl/995Zq

   * Which advanced Haskell topics interest you? (Survey)
     Domain: docs.google.com, Score: 39, Comments: 12
     On Reddit: [9] http://goo.gl/Djy63
     Original: [10] http://goo.gl/K5pRm

   * A fast new SipHash implementation
     Domain: serpentine.com, Score: 34, Comments: 8
     On Reddit: [11] http://goo.gl/ZGSxD
     Original: [12] http://goo.gl/GiD3F

   * Communication Patterns in Cloud Haskell (Part 1): master-slave,
work-stealing and work-pushing
     Domain: well-typed.com, Score: 33, Comments: 10
     On Reddit: [13] http://goo.gl/IRr8s
     Original: [14] http://goo.gl/6vUyY

   * Category and lenses
     Domain: web.jaguarpaw.co.uk, Score: 28, Comments: 2
     On Reddit: [15] http://goo.gl/r6Ajl
     Original: [16] http://goo.gl/VwtQP

   * Yesod Tutorial 1 at FP Complete
     Domain: fpcomplete.com, Score: 28, Comments: 15
     On Reddit: [17] http://goo.gl/wnUkh
     Original: [18] http://goo.gl/kvCMu

   * The usual type signatures for foldl and foldr are confusing
     Domain: self.haskell, Score: 27, Comments: 63
     On Reddit: [19] http://goo.gl/XGHq8
     Original: [20] http://goo.gl/XGHq8

   * Haskell Symposium 2012 (with youtube links)
     Domain: haskell.org, Score: 27, Comments: 1
     On Reddit: [21] http://goo.gl/7Dz89
     Original: [22] http://goo.gl/I1XXa

   * Solving a Partial Differential Equation Comonadically
     Domain: idontgetoutmuch.wordpress.com, Score: 27, Comments: 2
     On Reddit: [23] http://goo.gl/Qxwjq
     Original: [24] http://goo.gl/lBm12

   * Need a math related Haskell project suggestion
     Domain: self.haskell, Score: 22, Comments: 20
     On Reddit: [25] http://goo.gl/o3lYl
     Original: [26] http://goo.gl/o3lYl

   * Algebraically Interpreting Polymorphism
     Domain: stackoverflow.com, Score: 21, Comments: 12
     On Reddit: [27] http://goo.gl/3SCA9
     Original: [28] http://goo.gl/wC6rm

Top StackOverflow Questions

   * Why is seq bad?
     votes: 18, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [29] http://goo.gl/IwVYS

   * Can I speed up this Haskell algorithm?
     votes: 18, answers: 3
     Read on SO: [30] http://goo.gl/PSVUB

   * Is there a library that uses ConstraintKinds to generalize all
the base type classes to allow constraints?
     votes: 15, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [31] http://goo.gl/MfTMC

   * What are skolems?
     votes: 15, answers: 2
     Read on SO: [32] http://goo.gl/qEnEI

   * What does it usually mean when a Haskell record accessor leads
with an underscore?
     votes: 14, answers: 3
     Read on SO: [33] http://goo.gl/3YD1n

   * How does this piece of obfuscated Haskell code work?
     votes: 12, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [34] http://goo.gl/rLtFG

   * How to implement a game loop in reactive-banana?
     votes: 12, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [35] http://goo.gl/nx3zR

   * How do Haskell currying and pattern matching work together?
     votes: 9, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [36] http://goo.gl/jBCz0

   * How does the constraints package work?
     votes: 9, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [37] http://goo.gl/mb2na

   * In haskell, What does :+: mean in data type definition?
     votes: 9, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [38] http://goo.gl/kv0Yn

   * Monad m => a -> [a -> m a] -> m a
     votes: 9, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [39] http://goo.gl/ns8FG

   * How to decorate a Tree in Haskell
     votes: 7, answers: 2
     Read on SO: [40] http://goo.gl/kBn66

Until next time,
Daniel Santa Cruz


   1. http://mathlesstraveled.com/2012/10/05/factorization-diagrams/
   2. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/1117h2/factorization_diagrams/
   3. http://www.well-typed.com/blog/70
   4. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10y089/the_new_cloud_haskell/
   5. http://hpaste.org/75668
   6. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10u7xr/ghc_head_now_features_agdalike_holes/
   7. http://dave.fayr.am/posts/2012-10-4-finding-fizzbuzz.html
   8. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10zlyy/fizzbuzz_revisited_using_monoids/
   9. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dE1QZFNRLTFMdkllYWIyR2FkYnRzZHc6MQ
  10. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10r2yk/which_advanced_haskell_topics_interest_you_survey/
  11. http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2012/10/02/a-fast-new-siphash-implementation-in-haskell/
  12. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10u381/a_fast_new_siphash_implementation/
  13. http://www.well-typed.com/blog/71
  14. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10zo6t/communication_patterns_in_cloud_haskell_part_1/
  15. http://web.jaguarpaw.co.uk/~tom/blog/2012/09/30/category-and-lenses.html
  16. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10ph2c/category_and_lenses/
  17. http://fpcomplete.com/yesod-tutorial-1-my-first-web-site/
  18. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10seol/yesod_tutorial_1_at_fp_complete/
  19. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10q2ls/the_usual_type_signatures_for_foldl_and_foldr_are/
  20. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10q2ls/the_usual_type_signatures_for_foldl_and_foldr_are/
  21. http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium/2012/index.html
  22. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10xafx/haskell_symposium_2012_with_youtube_links/
  23. http://idontgetoutmuch.wordpress.com/2012/04/01/solving-a-partial-differential-equation-comonadically/
  24. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10zy51/solving_a_partial_differential_equation/
  25. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10zf9c/need_a_math_related_haskell_project_suggestion/
  26. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10zf9c/need_a_math_related_haskell_project_suggestion/
  27. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10453558/algebraically-interpreting-polymorphism/10456993#10456993
  28. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/10rt4y/algebraically_interpreting_polymorphism/
  29. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12687392/why-is-seq-bad
  30. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12730503/can-i-speed-up-this-haskell-algorithm
  31. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12697348/is-there-a-library-that-uses-constraintkinds-to-generalize-all-the-base-type-cla
  32. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12719435/what-are-skolems
  33. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12746229/what-does-it-usually-mean-when-a-haskell-record-accessor-leads-with-an-underscor
  34. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12659951/how-does-this-piece-of-obfuscated-haskell-code-work
  35. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12685430/how-to-implement-a-game-loop-in-reactive-banana
  36. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12658936/how-do-haskell-currying-and-pattern-matching-work-together
  37. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12728159/how-does-the-constraints-package-work
  38. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12733171/in-haskell-what-does-mean-in-data-type-definition
  39. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12755655/monad-m-a-a-m-a-m-a
  40. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12658443/how-to-decorate-a-tree-in-haskell

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