[Haskell-cafe] ANN: crypto-pubkey: all your public key crypto algorithms belong to us.

Vincent Hanquez tab at snarc.org
Mon Jan 14 12:36:22 CET 2013

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 02:12:44PM +0100, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
> > I've spend some good chunk of time adding KATs and tests,
> > documentation, and making sure the performance was ahead of other
> > haskell implementations.
> I suggest looking at Daniel Fischer's arithmoi [1] library, which
> implements very fast Integer operations and should provide most
> functionality needed.  However, beware of timing attacks.

Very cool library and very similar to what crypto-numbers provides albeit less
sophisticated. I wished I knew about it before implementing the same(ish)

One caveat of the library is the dependence on integer-gmp.

> Also for the particular purpose of generating safe primes I have written
> a blazingly fast implementation that uses intelligent sieving and finds
> even large primes (>= 4096 bits) within seconds or minutes.  It's on
> hpaste [2].  I might turn this into a library at some point.

Seconds or minutes ? that's very different :-)
But in any case, it would be a nice addition i think.

My safe prime generation function is probably the most naive possible.


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