[Haskell-cafe] catamorphisms and attribute grammars

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Sun Jan 27 01:20:25 CET 2013

* Petr P <petr.mvd at gmail.com> [2013-01-26 23:03:51+0100]
>   Dear Haskellers,
> I read some stuff about attribute grammars recently [1] and how UUAGC [2]
> can be used for code generation. I felt like this should be possible inside
> Haskell too so I did some experiments and I realized that indeed
> catamorphisms can be represented in such a way that they can be combined
> together and all run in a single pass over a data structure. In fact, they
> form an applicative functor.
> ...
> My experiments together with the example are available at https://github
> .com/ppetr/recursion-attributes

Very nice! This can be generalized to arbitrary arrows:

  {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

  import Prelude hiding (id)
  import Control.Arrow
  import Control.Applicative
  import Control.Category

  data F from to b c = forall d . F (from b d) (to d c)

  instance (Arrow from, Arrow to) => Functor (F from to b) where
    fmap f x = pure f <*> x

  instance (Arrow from, Arrow to) => Applicative (F from to b) where
    pure x = F (arr $ const x) id
    F from1 to1 <*> F from2 to2 =
      F (from1 &&& from2) (to1 *** to2 >>> arr (uncurry id))

Now your construction is a special case where 'from' is the category of
f-algebras and 'to' is the usual (->) category.

I wonder what's a categorical interpretation of F itself.


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