[Haskell-cafe] Overloading

Carlos Camarao carlos.camarao at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 18:52:38 CET 2013

On 12/03/2013, at 3:15 AM, Carlos Camarao wrote:

>>     Hi,
>>     I just started playing around a bit with Haskell, so sorry in
>>     advance for very basic (and maybe stupid) questions. Coming from
>>     the C++ world one thing I would like to do is overloading
>>     operators. For example I want to write (Date 6 6 1973) + (Period 2
>>     Months) for some self defined types Date and Period. Another
>>     example would be (Period 1 Years) + (Period 3 Months).
>>     Just defining the operator (+) does not work because it collides
>>     with Prelude.+. I assume using fully qualified names would work,
>>     but that is not what I want.
>> Hi. To define (+) as an overloaded operator in Haskell, you have to
>> and use a type class.

> Stop right there.  Overloading in the C++ sense is "ad hoc
> polymorphism" where the signatures of the various definitions need
> not resemble each other in any way.  Haskell just plain does not
> have anything like that.  (+) in Haskell is *not* overloaded; it has
> several implementations and allows you to define as many more as you
> want.  But they all conform to the *SAME* interface.  This is much
> more like OO inheritance.

Sorry, I think my sentence:
    "To define (+) as an overloaded operator in Haskell,
      you have to define and use a type class."
is not quite correct.  I meant that to define any operator in Haskell you
have to
have a type class defined with that operator as member.

Then, if there is already a type class defined, a programmer can
either use it (if that is suitable/adequate) or hide it and define
another one. Sorry, that's what I meant.

> In particular, C++ will let you define versions of + where the
> arguments are of two different types and the result is a third.  You
> cannot provide such an implementation for Haskell's predefined (+).

Yes, but the requirement of using the "predefined" (+) is an extra
requirement (I would call (+) in Haskell not a predefined operator,
but an operator whose type is defined in a class (Num) which is in the
Prelude). A Haskell programmer can still define versions of (+) where
the arguments are of two different types and the result is a third
(he cannot though use the two type classes, and thus neither instances
 of these two type classes, in a program).

The suitability/adequacy of the type defined in a class means that the
type of all names/operators in an instance of the class must be an
instance-type of the type specified in the class.

And unsuitability/inadequacy requires the definition and use of
another type class (sorry to repeat that, just reinforcing).

>> Furthermore, Haskell supports a more powerful form of overloading than
>> (any other language I know, including) C++: context-dependent
>> overloading. This means that the type of an expression (f e), and thus
>> of f, can be determined at compile-time (inferred) based on the
>> context where (f e) occurs, not only on the type of the
>> argument (e) of the function's call.

> Ada has had this since Ada 81.  The design goal that forced it was
> the wish to allow the same identifier to be used as an enumeral in
> more than one enumerated type, so that you could do
>    type Colour is (Red, Green, Blue);
>    type Fruit_State is (Green, Ripe, Rotten);
>    X : Colour := Green;
>    Y : Fruit_State := Green;
> and in particular, since character literals like 'X' are allowed as
> enumerals in Ada, they wished to be able to write
>    A: EBCDIC_Character := 'X';
>    B: ASCII_Character  := 'X';
> and have A and B be different bytes.  The difference is that Ada
> *does* do this sort of thing using overload resolution and Haskell
> *doesn't*.

Ok. I will have a look at Ada's overloading mechanism. Thanks! I am
trying to emphasize the constrained *polymorphism* that is possible in
Haskell, which allows overloading resolution not to be required in an
use of an operator or constant. I believe that this is a significant
new contribution of the language. (I think Green and 'X' are not
polymorphic, and any use of them required thus that overloading be

>> For example, you _could_ in principle use (d+p==d) and (d+p==p),
>> with d::Date, p::Period, and instances of (+) with types
>> Date->Period->Date and Date->Period->Period, if you wish…
> Prelude> :type (+)
> (+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
> The predefined (+) in Haskell requires its arguments and its result
> to be precisely the same type.
> I think you had better justify the claim that Date+Period -> Date and
> Date+Period -> Period are possible at the same time by showing us
> actual code.

I think I have shown it (see previous message): as Miguel Mitrofanov,
hiding and redefining Num.

Kind regards,

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