[Haskell-cafe] Overloading

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Tue Mar 12 21:54:59 CET 2013

Carlos Camarao wrote:

> Sorry, I think my sentence: 
>    "To define (+) as an overloaded operator in Haskell, 
>      you have to define and use a type class." 
>is not quite correct.  I meant that to define any operator in Haskell you have to
> have a type class defined with that operator as member. 

No.  Operators and type classes are entirely orthogonal in Haskell.
For example, the list concatenation operator (++) is not defined in
any type class.  It could be.  Either the `mplus` of
MonadPlus or the `mappend` of Monoid would make sense.  But it
happens not to be.

> Yes, but the requirement of using the "predefined" (+) is an extra
> requirement (I would call (+) in Haskell not a predefined operator,
> but an operator whose type is defined in a class (Num) which is in the
> Prelude). A Haskell programmer can still define versions of (+) where
> the arguments are of two different types and the result is a third
> (he cannot though use the two type classes, and thus neither instances
> of these two type classes, in a program).

I wish we could argue over semantics instead of vocabulary.
By calling the (+) of Num "predefined" I meant nothing other than
"it is _defined_ in the Haskell report before (_pre_) you or I add
any code of our own".  We agree on the facts.

I don't call it an "extra" requirement.  The original context was
very clearly that in C++ where you have int+int, int+double,
double+int, double+double, char*+int, int+char* and so on all
predefined, you can *also* add your own date+period *without*
hiding the predefined versions.  And _that_ is overloading.  If the
question is whether Haskell can do overloading, _that_ is what has
to be achieved:  you can add a *new* interface date+period *without*
hiding the ones that were already defined before you started coding.

The interesting challenge here is that we should have

    Date   + Period -> Date      Date   - Period -> Date
    Period + Date   -> Date      Period - Date   -> ILLEGAL
    Period + Period -> Deriod    Period - Period -> Period
    Date   + Date   -> ILLEGAL   Date   - Date   -> Date

and _also_ (remember we are trying to beat C++ here) Int +/- Int -> Int.

I suspect that this can be done using type-level programming (so that
Date + Date and Period - Date _begin_ to type check but then violate
a type constraint) but that's where my Haskell skills are most risible.

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