[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haskell Pdf Presenter (hpdfp) 0.2.2

Johannes Waldmann waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Wed Nov 13 22:47:19 UTC 2013

> ANNOUNCE: Haskell Pdf Presenter (hpdfp) 0.2.2

could you explain how you compile this? 
(what compiler, what version of base, etc.)

For me, it does not work with ghc-7.6.3 (binary package)
because gtk2hs does not work
hackage version (0.12.4) does not work because of 
    Ambiguous occurrence `moreRecentFile'
and darcs version ( breaks with
    Couldn't match expected type `Ptr ()' with actual type `Window'

and it also does not work with ghc/fedora (distro package) 7.4.2
    Ambiguous occurrence `catch'
    It could refer to either `Prelude.catch',
                             imported from `Prelude' at
                             (and originally defined in `System.IO.Error')
                          or `Control.Exception.catch',

- J.W.

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