New language feature: array-types

Chris Smith cdsmith at
Wed Aug 20 17:16:50 EDT 2008

Ramin wrote:
> Well, in C/C++, and most any other imperative languages (as you probably
> know) is O(1) for both reading and updating arrays. Until Haskell can do
> this, I don't think Haskell is a viable option for operating system
> design, computer graphics, or embedded applications.

There are two issues here, which I think were unnecessarily tangled 
together in your original post.  First: you proposed arrays whose size is 
known and accesses checked at compile-time.  Second: you proposed making 
arrays mutable so as to recover the expected time bounds for operations.

The first is possible, but considerably more complex that your original 
post made it sound.

The second, though, is already there in Haskell as it stands.  Just use 
STArray, for example.  The big difference is that with STArray, the side 
effects of your code, and the fact that the original copy of the array is 
destroyed, are acknowledged by the type system.  You tried to give 
changeArrayFunc a type of a^10 -> a^10: a type that implies it computes a 
new value, but leaves the original array alone.  Unless it does some 
analysis, that could be arbitrarily complex in general, to prove I never 
use the original array again, the compiler can *not* generate destructive 
code in this case.  The ST monad *is* the general answer to this problem, 
so you should just use STArray, and you get what you want.

Chris Smith

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