interesting example of lazyness/ghc optimisation

Julian Assange
01 Mar 2001 13:25:46 +1100

Brian Gregor wrote a haskell entrant for the random number
generation in Doug's language shootout
(  Which is as follows:

module Main  where

import System
import Numeric

iMi :: Int
iMi = 139968
iMd :: Double
iMd = 139968.0
iA ::Int
iA = 3877
iC ::Int
iC = 29573

nrRandom :: Int -> Double -> (Int,Double)
nrRandom last max = (newlast,(max * (fromIntegral newlast)/iMd))
where newlast = (last*iA+iC) `mod` iMi

runRandom :: Int -> Double -> Int -> Double
runRandom last max num
| num > 1     = runRandom (fst new) max (num-1)
| otherwise   = snd new
new = nrRandom last max

main = do
~[n] <- getArgs
putStrLn (showFFloat (Just 12) (runRandom 42 100.0 (read n::Int)) "")

Noticing the use of tuples and normalisation at each step of
the iteration, I re-wrote this as:

module Main(main) where
import System(getArgs)
import Numeric(showFFloat)

main = do
         ~[n] <- getArgs
         putStrLn (showFFloat (Just 12) (random 42 (read n::Int) 100.0) "")
	 return 1

random :: Int -> Int -> Double -> Double
random seed n max = norm (rand n seed) max
    where norm x max = (fromIntegral x) * (max / imd)
	  rand n x   = if n > 0 then rand (n-1) ((x * ia + ic) `mod` im) else x
	  im         = 139968
	  imd        = fromIntegral im
	  ia         = 3877
          ic         = 29573

Interestingly, ghc / lazyness is able to detect that Brian's
normalisation etc at each step is uneeded, and only perform it at the
end. Consequently both of these programs are the the same speed (well,
almost; bizarrely, Brian's seems to be about 2% faster).
