Parameterising Class Constraints in Existential Types

Johan Nordlander
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 12:07:55 -0800

Hi Ashley,

Hugs currently restricts the way constrained existential types 
may be formed, for entirely internal, technical reasons.  We're 
currently looking over the implementation to see if it's 
possible to lift the restriction without rewriting substantial 
parts of the type checker.

-- Johan

On Thursday, March 29, 2001, at 01:46  AM, Ashley Yakeley wrote:

> Is this valid (extended) Haskell?
> --
> class MyClass a b where
> 	foo :: a -> b -> Int
> data Special = forall b. (MyClass Int b)=> MkSpecial b
> data General a = forall b. (MyClass a b)=> MkGeneral b
> --
> Hugs complains about the 'General' line but has no problem with the
> 'Special' line...
> --
> Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA
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