diff in Haskell: clarification

Gertjan Kamsteeg gkamsteeg@freeler.nl
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 23:54:30 +0100

Ok, here is an attempt. I don't have time to explain, but it's not Myer's

Try for example
diff "abcabba" "cbabac"

Gertjan Kamsteeg

data In a = F a | S a | B a

diff xs ys = steps ([(0,0,[],xs,ys)],[]) where
  steps (((_,_,ws,[],[]):_),_) = reverse ws
  steps d                      = steps (step d) where
    step (ps,qs) = let (us,vs) = h1 ps in (h3 qs (h2 us),vs) where
      h1 []     = ([],[])
      h1 (p:ps) = let (rs,ss) = next p; (us,vs) = h1 ps in (rs++us,ss++vs)
        next (k,n,ws,(x:xs),[])           = ([(k+1,n+1,F x:ws,xs,[])],[])
        next (k,n,ws,[],(y:ys))           = ([(k-1,n+1,S y:ws,[],ys)],[])
        next (k,n,ws,xs@(x:us),ys@(y:vs))
          | x == y    = ([],[(k,n+1,B x:ws,us,vs)])
          | otherwise = ([(k+1,n+1,F x:ws,us,ys),(k-1,n+1,S y:ws,xs,vs)],[])
      h2 []                                   = []
      h2 ps@[_]                               = ps
      h2 (p@(k1,n1,_,_,_):ps@(q@(k2,n2,_,_,_):us))
        | k1 == k2  = if n1 <= n2 then p:h2 us else q:h2 us
        | otherwise = p:h2 ps
      h3 ps [] = ps
      h3 [] qs = qs
      h3 (ps@(p@(k1,n1,_,_,_):us)) (qs@(q@(k2,n2,_,_,_):vs))
        | k1 > k2   = p:h3 us qs
        | k1 == k2  = if n1 <= n2 then p:h3 us vs else q:h3 us vs
        | otherwise = q:h3 ps vs

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Russell" <ger@tzi.de>
To: <haskell@haskell.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 6:39 PM
Subject: diff in Haskell: clarification

> Since various people seem to have misunderstood the problem, I shall try
to state it
> more precisely.
> What is required is a function
>    diff :: Ord a -> [a] -> [a] -> [DiffElement a]
> for the type
>    data DiffElement a =
>          InBoth a
>       |  InFirst a
>       |  InSecond a
> such that given the functions
>    f1 (InBoth a) = Just a
>    f1 (InFirst a) = Just a
>    f1 (InSecond a) = Nothing
> and
>    f2 (InBoth a) = Just a
>    f2 (InFirst a) = Nothing
>    f2 (InSecond a) = Just a
> the following identities hold:
>    mapPartial f1 (diff l1 l2) == l1
> and
>    mapPartial f2 (diff l1 l2) == l2
> This is a well-known problem.  The most helpful Web page I could find
about it is here:
>    http://apinkin.net/space/DifferenceEngine
> There is an algorithm known as Myer's algorithm, but obviously I want it
in Haskell
> rather than C, and it would be nice if someone else had written it so I
don't have to.
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