trees with pointers to parents & memory gobbling

Hal Daume III hdaume@ISI.EDU
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 11:04:30 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

I have a datatype which (simplified) looks like:

data FBTree a = FBLeaf (Maybe (FBTree a)) a | FBBranch (Maybe (FBTree
a)) (FBTree a) (FBTree a)

is basically a tree with Maybe a parent node.  however, unlike the nice
non-haskell equivalent, they tend to eat up memory as you traverse
them.  for instance, given the conversion functions and helper functions:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq, Show)
data FBTree a = FBLeaf (Maybe (FBTree a)) a | FBBranch (Maybe (FBTree
a)) (FBTree a) (FBTree a)

instance Eq a => Eq (FBTree a) where a == b = unFBTree a == unFBTree b
instance Show a => Show (FBTree a) where showsPrec i = showsPrec i
. unFBTree

mkFBTree = mkFBTree' Nothing
    where mkFBTree' par (Leaf a) = FBLeaf par a
	  mkFBTree' par (Branch l r) = this
	      where this = FBBranch par (mkFBTree' (Just
this) l) (mkFBTree' (Just this) r)
unFBTree (FBLeaf _ a) = Leaf a
unFBTree (FBBranch _ l r) = Branch (unFBTree l) (unFBTree r)

findRoot (FBLeaf (Just par) _) = findRoot par
findRoot (FBBranch (Just par) _ _) = findRoot par
findRoot t = t

findLeftMostChild (FBBranch _ l _) = findLeftMostChild l
findLeftMostChild t = t

if we just walk up and down a tree a bunch of time, heap profiling reports
huge amounts of memory usage.  witness:

tree = Branch (Branch (Branch (Branch (Branch (Leaf 'h') (Branch (Leaf
'a') (Leaf 's'))) (Leaf 'k')) (Branch (Leaf 'e') (Leaf 'l'))) (Leaf
'l')) (Leaf '!')
fbtree = mkFBTree tree

main = print $ last $ take 100000 $ iterate (findLeftMostChild
. findRoot) fbtree

even if i put an appropriate call to seq in the iteration, i still get
lots of memory eaten up, can someone say how i can fix this?

 - Hal

Hal Daume III

 "Computer science is no more about computers    |
  than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra |