Fri, 03 May 2002 10:07:47 +0200

		  (Apologies for multiple postings)

Due to numerous requests, the submission deadline for SAS'02 has been
extended to:            **Friday MAY 10** 
                       CALL FOR PAPERS (SAS'02)

            The 9th International Static Analysis Symposium 
                 September 17 - 20 2002, Madrid, Spain

                  New submission deadline: May 10, 2002

   Static Analysis  is increasingly  recognized as a  fundamental tool
for  high  performance  implementations  and verification  systems  of
high-level  programming  languages.  The  series  of  Static  Analysis
Symposia  has  served  as   the  primary  venue  for  presentation  of
theoretical, practical, and application advances in the area.

   The Ninth International Static  Analysis Symposium (SAS'02) will be
held  at   the  Technical   University  of  Madrid,   co-located  with
Logic-based Program Development and Transformation (LOPSTR'02) and the
APPIA-GULP-PRODE   Joint   Conference   on   Declarative   Programming
(AGP'02). Previous symposia were held in Paris, Santa Barbara, Venice,
Pisa, Paris, Aachen, Glasgow and Namur.

   The technical program for  SAS'02 will consist of invited lectures,
tutorials,  panels,  presentations of  refereed  papers, and  software
demonstrations.  Contributions are  welcome on  all aspects  of Static
Analysis, including, but not limited to:

         * abstract interpretation,   * data flow analysis,
         * verification systems,      * program specialization,
         * abstract domains,          * optimizing compilers,
         * theoretical frameworks,    * type inference,
         * abstract model checking,   * complexity analysis,
         * abstract testing,          * security analysis.

   Submissions  can   address  any  programming   paradigm,  including
concurrent,    constraint,   functional,    imperative,    logic   and
object-oriented programming.   Survey papers that  present some aspect
of the above topics with a new coherence are also welcome.

    Papers must  describe original work,  be written and  presented in
English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published  or that  are simultaneously  submitted  to a  journal or  a
conference with refereed proceedings.

Submission Instructions

    All    submissions   must    be   performed    electronically   at    Submitted   papers
should  be at  most 15  pages excluding  bibliography  and well-marked
appendices.  Program  committee members are  not required to  read the
appendices, and thus papers  should be intelligible without them.  The
proceedings will be published  by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes
in           Computer           Science          series           (see  for   the  LNCS  author
instructions). Thus, adhering to  that style already in the submission
is  strongly  encouraged.   Papers   should  be  submitted  either  in
PostScript  or  PDF  format   and  they  should  be  interpretable  by
Ghostscript or Acrobat  Reader. Papers must be printable  on either A4
paper or US letter, and preferably on both.

Important Dates
May     10, 2002  Extended submission deadline (hard)
June    10, 2002  Notification 
June    30, 2002  Final version
Sept 17-20, 2002  SAS'02

Program Committee 
Manuel Hermenegildo (Chair) Technical University of Madrid, Spain
German Puebla    (Co-chair) Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Radhia Cousot               Ecole Polytechnique, France
Saumya Debray               The University of Arizona, USA
Manuel Fahndrich            Microsoft Research, USA
Roberto Giacobazzi          Univerity of Verona, Italy
Chris Hankin		    Imperial College, UK
Giorgio Levi		    Univerity of Pisa, Italy
Kim Marriott                Monash University, Australia
Alan Mycroft                Cambridge University, United Kingdom
Ganesan Ramalingam	    IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Martin Rinard               Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Shmuel Sagiv		    Tel-Aviv Univerisity, Israel
Reinhard Wilhelm            Universitat des Saarlandes, Germany

Contact Info
Fax:   + 34 91 352 4819 
Phone: + 34 91 336 7448
       Manuel Hermenegildo (Ref.: SAS'02)
       Facultad de Informatica
       Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
       28660 Boadilla del Monte
       Madrid, Spain
