CFP for LDTA 2003: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 09:41:46 +0100 (CET)

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      ***          LDTA 2003: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop           ***
      ***                 APRIL, 6, 2003                     ***
      ***                  WARSAW,  POLAND                   ***
      ***                                                    ***
      ***          ***

      The aim of this one day workshop is to bring together
      researchers from academia and industry interested in the field
      of formal language definitions and language technologies, with a
      special emphasis on tools developed for or with these language
      definitions. Benefits of such active research fields are, among

	     - Program analysis, transformation, generation
	     - Formal analysis of language properties
	     - Automatic generation of language processing tools

      Although these benefits are well-known, they are in current
      practices hardly exploited. For example, language definitions
      can be augmented in a manner that not only
      compilers/interpreters can be automatically generated but also
      other tools such as syntax-directed editors, debuggers, partial
      evaluators, test case generators, documentation generators,
      Domains of applications that are of interest for this workshop
      are among others: 
	     - Language components, modeling languages
	     - Re-engineering, re-factoring
	     - Aspect-oriented programming, adaptive programming
	     - Domain-specific languages
	     - XML processing
	     - Visualization and graph transformation
Invited Talk:
      Hassan Ait Kaci, 
      Distinguished Scientist, Research an Development, ILOG, France.

Tool demonstrations:
      The one day LDTA 2003 workshop program will also include a
      session on tool demonstrations. 

Submission procedure and publication: 
      Submission process will be open in autumn 2002. Papers (of at
      most 15 pages) should be submitted electronically as (optionally
      compressed/gzipped) PostScript or PDF files to one of the
      program committee chairs: Barrett Bryant ( or
      Joao Saraiva ( The message should also contain
      a text-only abstract and author information. Final copies of
      accepted papers, after revision, must not be longer than 20
      pages and have to respect the proceedings style.  

      Accepted papers will be published and available during the
      workshop. After revision, final copies of the accepted papers
      will be published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
      Science (ENTCS), Elsevier Science. Author's instructions are
      given here. The authors of the best papers will be invited to
      write a journal version of their paper which will be separately
      reviewed and after acceptance be published in a special issue
      devoted to  LDTA 2003 of the journal Science of Computer
      Programming (Elsevier Science).

Organizing Committee:
      Isabelle Attali, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
      Mark van den Brand, CWI Amsterdam
      Pierre-Etienne Moreau, LORIA-INRIA Nancy

Program committee co-chairs:
      Barrett R. Bryant, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
      Joao Saraiva, University of Minho, Portugal

Program Committee members:
      Don Batory, University Texas / Austin (USA)
      Uwe Glaesser, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
      Katsuhiko Gondow, JAIST (Japan)
      Uwe Kastens, University Paderborn (Germany)
      Paul Klint, CWI (The Netherlands)
      Jan Madey, University of Warsaw (Poland)
      Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor (Slovenia)
      Thomas Noll, University Aachen (Germany)
      Oege de Moor, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, (England)
      Peter D. Mosses, BRICS, University Aarhus (Denmark)
      Eelco Visser, Utrecht (The Netherlands)


December 1st 2002	Submission of full paper

January 20th 2003	Notification

February 15th 2003	Final version due

April 6th 2003		LDTA 2003