WAIT 2003: Deadline approaching

WAIT 2003 WAIT 2003 <wait2003@famaf.unc.edu.ar>
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 23:15:01 +0300 (GMT)


Argentinian Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science
Buenos Aires - Argentina
September 1-5, 2003

Deadline for reception of papers: May 4


The Argentinian  Workshop on  Theoretical Computer Science  (WAIT) has
become an important Latin American forum for the exchange of ideas and
the presentation  of research in theoretical computer  science and its
applications.   The  workshop  aims  are  to build  a  bridge  between
academic and applied  research and to stimulate the  exchange of ideas
and experience between theory and practise in computer science.

The  meeting includes  contributed and  invited talks,  and tutorials.
Further, we are very pleased to  announce that there will be a special
issue of ENTCS (http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs) dedicated to WAIT
2003 publishing a selection of outstanding contributions.

WAIT 2003 (http://wait2003.famaf.unc.edu.ar), the 7-th workshop in the
series, will  be held in Buenos  Aires during September  1-5 (2003) as
part of the 32-nd Argentinian Conference on Informatics and Operations
Research (32 JAIIO, http://www.jaiio2003.uade.edu.ar).

Buenos  Aires  (http://www.buenosaires.gov.ar/areas/turismo/en/) is  a
cosmopolitan and  modern urban centre easily accessible  by plane from
most  mayor cities in  the world.   The city  is characterised  by the
multiplicity  of  its artistic  expressions,  ranging  from the  great
assortment  of sculptures and  monuments to  streets and  corners that
surprise with  their allegorical reliefs  and murals.  The  climate of
Buenos Aires ---oceanic  and warm--- is mild all  year round, allowing
visitors to discover the city on  foot in any season.  The city offers
all categories of  accommodation, and food ---which is  something of a
cult--- is of high quality.


Submissions are welcome in all fields of Theoretical Computer Science.
Specific topics of WAIT 2003 include (but are not limited to):

  * Logical and algebraic  foundations of computer science (logics for
    computation, category theory, relation algebras, type theory);

  * Formal methods (formal  specification of sequential and concurrent
    programs, analysis,  verification and transformation  of programs,
    model checking);

  * Algorithms and  data structures (sequential, parallel, distributed
    and on-line computing, probabilistic algorithms);

  * Automata theory and computational complexity;

  * Symbolic and algebraic computation;

  * Quantum Computing;

  * Bioinformatics.

Submissions  are expected  to contain  original research  and  will be
refereed by international experts.

Research  papers must  contain previously  unpublished  results.  They
will  be judged on  the base  of originality  and importance  of their
contributions and  clarity of presentation.  Papers  should not exceed
12 pages, including figures and references.

  Martin Abadi (University of California at Santa Cruz)
  Gilles Barthe (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
  Gabriel Baum (Universidad de La Plata)
  Veronica Becher (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
  Vincent Danos (CNRS, Paris VII)
  Peter Dybjer (University of Gothenburg)
  Roberto Di Cosmo (PPS, Paris VII)
  Esteban Feuerstein (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
  Marcelo Fiore (Cambridge University)                      (co-chair)
  Daniel Fridlender (Universidad de Cordoba)                (co-chair)
  Joos Heintz (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
  Gonzalo Navarro (Universidad de Chile)
  Peter O'Hearn (QMW, University of London)
  Alfredo Viola (Universidad de la Republica)


Deadline for reception of papers.................................May 4
Notification of acceptance.....................................June 27
Deadline for reception of the final version....................July 18


To  facilitate the dissemination  of papers  and results,  authors are
invited to submit their papers in English.  However, papers in Spanish
or Portuguese are also welcome.

Accepted contributions will be published  in the Proceedings of the 32
JAIIO.   Further, a  selection  of outstanding  contributions will  be
invited  to be  published (in  English) in  a special  issue  of ENTCS
dedicated to WAIT 2003.

Papers   should    respond   to   ENTCS    format   (obtainable   from
http://math.tulane.edu/~entcs/)  or  similar,  and must  be  submitted
electronically in PostScript format (ghostview-readable) or PDF to the
following e-mail address: wait2003@famaf.unc.edu.ar.

Authors should communicate in a  separate e-mail (in ASCII format) the
title  of  the  paper  together   with  a  short  abstract,  name  and
affiliation of  all co-authors and  their e-mail addresses,  phone and
FAX  numbers.  The  message should  also  contain a  list of  keywords
describing the area of the paper.
