haskell-mode and xemacs

Christian Maeder maeder@tzi.de
Thu, 03 Jul 2003 14:21:34 +0200


whenenver I open a haskell file (*.hs) with my xemacs I get an annoying 
warning in a splitted window:

   (1) (error/warning) Error in `post-command-hook' (setting hook to 
nil): (void-variable imenu--index-alist)

The modes (Haskell Font Ind Doc) seem to work, though.

My xemacs has [version 21.4; April 2001]. I use this xemacs as it was 
installed without any customizations under Suse Linux 2.4.19-4GB on i686.

I've found write-protected 
/usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/haskell-*.elc files.

The haskell-mode.elc does not seem to be the latest version:
   (defconst haskell-version "1.43" (#$ . 632))

I don't know how to include the *.el files of the latest haskell mode in 
xemacs. (I've no problems with GNU emacs.) The problem occurs on several 
laptops. Does someone has an advice?

Thanks Christian