Looking for Libraries

Matthew Donadio m.p.donadio@ieee.org
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 14:53:28 -0500

Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> > Is there a high level Haskell graphics library that would
> > give functionality similar to gnuplot?
> Why not simply USE gnuplot?  Or plotutils?  They have simple
> textual interfaces, do good work, and are fairly standard
> tools (on a Unix system, at least).

I would like to be able to have plotting capabilities directly from a
Haskell program rather than using a spawned process and temporary files,
especially for interactive programs.  This approach would probably work
well enough, though.
> > Does anyone have an FFI interface to LAPACK?
> Have a look at
> http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell/2002-June/009833.html

Duh.  I thought I looked through the archives for this, but I guess I


Matthew Donadio (m.p.donadio@ieee.org)