Gtk2hs - developer snapshot 0.9.3 now available

Axel Simon
Sat, 17 May 2003 20:57:08 +0100

This release should compile on FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS X, Solaris and
Windows. It features loads of small additions, in particular many
functions of the Pixbuf library. It compiles against Gtk 2.0 and Gtk
2.2. Despite the fact that the configure script suggests it, GtkGLExt
and OpenGL is not yet supported (but this is certainly one of the next
goals). Concerning the future development of gtk2hs: The Gtk library
will exhibit the same interface as it does now. Once the Common GUI
API effort produces some first suggestions, the Mogul layer will
change accordingly. The only useful thing in Mogul are the table
functions which could be moved into Gtk, so I hope this will not
result in major problems.

Please report all bugs and requests to:

Thanks for taking interest in gtk2hs,