IO monad and lazy evaluation

Hal Daume III hdaume@ISI.EDU
Tue, 20 May 2003 13:27:53 -0700 (PDT)

Yes.  This is because hGetContents (and hence readFile, etc.) use lazy
IO.  Just as in this case you might want hClose to force the file to be
read, in a case like:

> do h <- openFile "really_large_file" ReadMode
>    c <- hGetContents h >>= return . head
>    hClose h
>    return c

you probably don't want the close to read the whole file.  I'd argue that
that problem is not with hClose, but with hGetContents.  Really, a strict
version should be used in most situations.  Something like:

> hGetContentsStrict h = do
>    b <- hIsEOF h
>    if b then return [] else do
>      c <- hGetChar h
>      r <- hGetContentsStrict h
>      return (c:r)

of course, you could be smarter with buffering, etc.  Another way would be
to do something using seq/deepSeq.

 - Hal

 Hal Daume III                                   |
 "Arrest this man, he talks in maths."           |

On Tue, 20 May 2003, Graham Klyne wrote:

> There seems to be a difficult-to-justify interaction between
> lazy evaluation and monadic I/O:
> [[
> -- file: SpikeIOMonadCloseHandle.hs
> -- Does hClose force completion of lazy I/O?
> import IO
> showFile fnam =
>      do  { fh <- openFile fnam ReadMode
>          ; fc <- hGetContents fh
>          ; hClose fh
>          ; putStr fc
>          }
> test = showFile "SpikeIOMonadCloseHandle.hs"
> ]]
> If I load this into Hugs and run it, the output is a single blank line.
> If I reverse the order of hClose and putStr, the source code is displayed.
> I think I can understand why this is happening, but it seems to me that there's
> a violation of referential transparency here:  I can't see any reasonable
> justification for the value of 'fc' to vary depending on whether it's actually
> used before or after some other I/O operation.
> I suppose I was expecting the call of hClose to force complete evaluation
> of any value that depends on the state prior to hClose.  I've no idea if
> there's a reasonable way to implement that.
> My concern is that this weakens the claim for monads that they provide
> a seamless integration between pure functional and stateful code;  cf.:
> [[
> We believe that, on the contrary, there are very significant differences 
> between
> writing programs in C and writing in Haskell with monadic state 
> transformers and
> IO:
> [...]
> - Usually, most of the program is neither stateful nor directly concerned with
> IO.  The monadic approach allows the graceful coexistence of a small amount
> of imperative code and the large purely functional part of the program
> [...]
> - The usual coroutining behaviour of lazy evaluation, in which the consumer of
> a data structure coroutines with its producer, extends to stateful computation
> as well.  As Hughes argues (Hughes 1989), the ability to separate what is
> computed from how much of it is computed is a powerful aid to writing modular
> programs
> ]]
> --
> #g
> -------------------
> Graham Klyne
> <>
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