[Haskell] Exists any null instruction in Haskell?

L. J. djsenda at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 04:14:48 EDT 2006

On 8/27/06, Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell at gmail.com> wrote:
> [Moving to haskell-cafe]
> Hi,
> > I want to know if it exists a null instruction (a instruction
> > that do anything
> Not really, since instructions don't "do anything" anyway - they only
> compute values.
> If you are in the IO monad then "return ()" is the do nothing.

 I need this answer. This is my case. Thanks you very much.

> In the function world, "id" is the do nothing.
> In recursive list processing, then something like [] is probably the
> "base case" in a recursive function, so stops the recursivity.
> If you give a more concrete example, then maybe we can give you a better answer.
> Thanks
> Neil

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