[Haskell] JustHub 'Sherkin' Release

Tim Docker twd2 at dockerz.net
Thu Jun 14 12:40:15 CEST 2012

On 14/06/12 18:36, Peter Simons wrote:
> it might be of interest to know that the Nix package manager [1] offers that
> functionality too, but it can install such Haskell environments on all Linux
> variants and on MacOS X without requiring superuser privileges.

Is this actually the case? When I tried this a year or so ago I had lots 
of problems with Redhat Enterprise Linux 5, due to issues with it's  
quite old libc and kernel in that distribution.

Most of the documentation at the nix website seems to relate to the 
nixos distribution, rather than using the nix packages on other, 
mainstream distributions. I'd love it if there we clear instructions on 
getting nix+packages up and running on RHEL.


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