[Haskell] [ANN] quantities 0.3.0

John David Reaver jdreaver at adlerhorst.com
Tue Apr 15 19:29:02 UTC 2014

Hello! I am happy to publicly announce the quantities package:

   Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/quantities
   Github: https://github.com/jdreaver/quantities

I feel this package is complete enough as of version
0.3.0 (released today) to announce it to the public.

>From the description on Hackage:

   A library for creating and manipulating physical quantities,
   which are a numerical value associated with a unit of
   measurement. Included is an expression parser and a huge list
   of predefined quantities with which to parse strings into a
   Quantity datatype. Once created, a quantity can be converted
   to different units or queried for its dimensionality. A user
   can also operate on quantities arithmetically, and doing so
   uses automatic unit conversion and simplification.

Just to get a taste of how this package works, here are some

>>> fromString "25 m/s"
Right 25.0 meter / second
>>> fromString "fakeunit"
Left (UndefinedUnitError "fakeunit")
>>> fromString "ft + 12in"
Right 2.0 foot

>>> fromString "min => s"
Right 60.0 second
>>> fromString "2 ft + 6 in => ft"
Right 2.5 foot
>>> fromString "5 m => s"
Left (DimensionalityError [length] [time])

>>> convertBase <$> fromString "N * m"
Right 1000.0 gram meter ** 2 / second ** 2

>>> dimensionality <$> fromString "N * m"
Right [length] ** 2 [mass] / [time] ** 2

Finally, this is my first Haskell library. I am open to *any*
suggestions/criticism, especially in regards to code style, the API,
the cabal file structure, etc.

John David Reaver
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