Positional cues or not

Simon Marlow simonmar@microsoft.com
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 03:43:24 -0800

> One proposal was to allow both something like
>     {---
>     -}
> and
>     -- --
>     --
>     ...
>     --
> This is OK, but maybe a little too subtle. E.g. one might be forgiven
> for wondering why not writing ---- or {- --.
> On the other hand, generalizing Simon's tagged proposal seems to
> work well:
>     {- @DOC
>     ...
>     -}
> and
>     -- @DOC
>     --
>     ..
>     --

Please - if we're going to adopt this kind of style, don't make it
needlessly divergent from existing conventions.  There's no reason to
use {- @DOC -} instead of {-# DOC #-}.

The end of line version could be:

	--# DOC
	-- Documentation goes here...

But, some people clearly prefer a style which is easier on the eye, in
which case the {--- -} and --- are fine by me.
