[Hat] config appears to have gone crazy

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Thu Jul 28 06:41:12 EDT 2005

Thomas Davie <tom.davie at gmail.com> writes:

> Something appears to have blown up in configuring hat on my box...  
> tatd2 at jet ~/HatDeltaExample $ hat-observe
> /usr/local/bin/hat-observe: line 4: /usr/local/bin/harch: No such  
>   file or directory

'harch' is no longer installed by hat - it now requires a prior
installation of 'hmake'.  But perhaps your hmake is not located
in /usr/local/bin.  I suppose the hat tools should not make any
assumption about where 'harch' is located.  E.g. the line
should really be
in the scripts for hat-observe, hat-trail, etc.


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