[HOpenGL] Profiling & HOpenGL

Andre W B Furtado awfurtado@uol.com.br
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 02:45:17 -0200

My HOpenGL programs seems not to work well with GHC profiling. If I compile
any program with the -prof option, when I run the program I get an "illegal
operation" message and the program aborts. For example, this happens with
the following simple program (it does not have any _scc_ at all):

import GL
import GLUT

main :: IO ()
main = do
 GLUT.init Nothing
 createWindow "AWBF Bitmap Display" (return ()) [ GLUT.Double, GLUT.Rgb ]
                (Just (WindowPosition 100 100))
                (Just (WindowSize     250 250))

I'm running HOpenGL-1.01 (NEW pack) and GHC-5.02 under Windows98. Can you
all (HOpenGL users) check if you also have this problem?

-- Andre